Category Archives: Data Science

Big Data Commentary Roundup

Katie Baker in Grantland: “After spending two days and nights [at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference] talking and thinking and hearing about data visualization and correlation coefficients and Big Data… and things like ‘Dequantizing the Player Draft Using Extreme … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big data market, Data Science, Data Scientists, Statistics | Leave a comment

Bayesian Evolution

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Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro on Big Data and Analytics (Slides)

An overview of analytics, data mining, and data science education in the era of Big Data: Analytics, data mining, data science – What do we call it? Big data trends Jobs and skills Analytics education overview [slideshare id=16622437&w=427&h=356&sc=no] Source: KDnuggets

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Education, Big Data Futures, Big Data Jobs, Data Mining, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education | Leave a comment

Vincent Granville’s 66 job interview questions for data scientists

  What is the biggest data set that you processed, and how did you process it, what were the results? Tell me two success stories about your analytic or computer science projects? How was lift (or success) measured? What is: … Continue reading

Posted in Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

Cupid’s Data: The Case For and Against Finding Love Online

From the New America Foundation In the Tank blog: Data, like diamonds, can be mined. But is data forever? Or, in other words, can you find love by creating a data-based algorithm for online dating sites like That’s how … Continue reading

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The First Data Scientist on the Evolution of Data Science and the Ever-Changing American Voter

Norman Nie was not surprised by the accurate predictions of the presidential elections’ results from Nate Silver and others. “A lot of it,” he told me recently, “is good statistics and good science and good statistical programming packages.” The increasing … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Science History, Data Scientists, Statistics | Leave a comment

Mok Oh’s New Big Data Venture

Where’s the value in big data? Marcel Proust believed he could regain time lost through his writing, using art to overcome the corroding power of time. Mok Oh believes he can find the ultimate value of big data by preserving our memories … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Data Science, startups | Leave a comment

Data Visualization by Nathan Yau


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How the Obama Campaign Learned from Republicans How to Learn Our Secrets

Last February, Forbes’ Kashmir Hill got our attention (over 1.9 million views by now) by pulling a golden big data nugget—“How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did”—from a long New York Times article by … Continue reading

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Data Science at Netflix with Elastic MapReduce


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