Category Archives: Data Science Careers

On Data Janitors, Engineers, and Statistics

Big Data Borat tweeted recently that “Data Science is 99% preparation, 1% misinterpretation.” Commenting on the 99% part, Cloudera’s Josh Wills says: “I’m a data janitor. That’s the sexiest job of the 21st century. It’s very flattering, but it’s also a little … Continue reading

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Big Data & Data Science: What Does a Data Scientist Do?

[slideshare id=16190193&w=427&h=356&sc=no] Big Data [sorry] & Data Science: What Does a Data Scientist Do? from Data Science London

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education, Data Science History, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

Big Data Analytics and Data Science at Netflix (Video)

Chris Pouliot, the Director of Analytics and Algorithms at Netflix: “…my team does not only personalizations for movies, but we also deal with content demand prediction. Helping our buyer down in Beverly Hills figure out how much do we pay … Continue reading

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LinkedIn’s Daniel Tunkelang on How to Interview a Data Scientist

Tunkelang: The O’Reilly Strata Conference brings together an incredible community of people working on big data. This year, I decided to do something different for my presentation. Rather than talk about science or technology, I addressed the practical problem of interviewing the candidates … Continue reading

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Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro on Big Data and Analytics (Slides)

An overview of analytics, data mining, and data science education in the era of Big Data: Analytics, data mining, data science – What do we call it? Big data trends Jobs and skills Analytics education overview [slideshare id=16622437&w=427&h=356&sc=no] Source: KDnuggets

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Education, Big Data Futures, Big Data Jobs, Data Mining, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education | Leave a comment

Vincent Granville’s 66 job interview questions for data scientists

  What is the biggest data set that you processed, and how did you process it, what were the results? Tell me two success stories about your analytic or computer science projects? How was lift (or success) measured? What is: … Continue reading

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