Category Archives: Data Science Careers

9 Categories of Data Scientists

DataViz: Those strong in statistics: they sometimes develop new statistical theories for big data, that even traditional statisticians are not aware of. They are expert in statistical modeling, experimental design, sampling, clustering, data reduction, confidence intervals, testing, modeling, predictive modeling … Continue reading

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The Evolution of Data Scientists, 2006-2016

Gaurav Vohra, CEO & Co-founder Jigsaw Academy: Here are my predictions for 2021. Machine learning and deep learning will become much more popular. More data and better processing power will enable a lot more analysis of different data. Those who … Continue reading

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A Career in Data Science: Bob Rogers, Chief Data Scientist, Intel

  “Business leaders want ‘the answer,’” says Bob Rogers, Chief Data Scientist for Big Data Solutions at Intel. But data scientists must understand what “the answer” means in the specific business context and communicate the expected impact in the language … Continue reading

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The New Data Scientist Venn Diagram

Stephan Kolassa on StackExchange: I still think that Hacking Skills, Math & Statistics Knowledge and Substantive Expertise (shortened to “Programming”, “Statistics” and “Business” for legibility) are important… but I think that the role of Communication is important, too. All the insights … Continue reading

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The Data on Data Scientists (Infographic)

Source: Bob Hayes

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Where should you put your data scientists?

[slideshare id=61486991&doc=whereshouldyouputyourdatascientists-160429025555]

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Data Scientists Still Hot, Salaries Cool Off

The third annual Burtch Works Study: Salaries of Data Scientists April 2016 is out, documenting the continuation of a very favorable market for those with the sexiest job of the 21st century.  However, the salaries of data scientists appear to be … Continue reading

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Data Scientists Spend Most of Their Time Cleaning Data

A new survey of data scientists found that they spend most of their time massaging rather than mining or modeling data. Still, most are happy with having the sexiest job of the 21st century. The survey of about 80 data … Continue reading

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Data Science Skills

Source: Bob Hayes

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Most In-Demand Data Science Skills

Source: CrowdFlower, based on “3500 relevant job openings from LinkedIn.” The folks at CrowdFlower excluded Excel from their list but noted that “that’s still something you see in myriad job listings. Old habits die hard.” Of course, data scientists don’t … Continue reading

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