Category Archives: Data Growth

Mobile Data Growth 2007-2012

  Source: Maximum Entropy

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The Digital Deluge: It’s Personal

Jeremy Reimer at Ars Technica writes about 35 years of personal digital devices, from the advent of PCs to smartphones and tablets. More and more devices in our hands translate into more and more digital bits created and shared every day. … Continue reading

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How Much Data is Generated Every Minute?

Data Never Sleeps from Domo   

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New Big Data Infographic

Big data infographic from CenturyLink   

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Data Scientists–Dairy Scientists and the Ranking of Bulls

Alexis Madrigal in The Atlantic: “Data-driven predictions are responsible for a massive transformation of America’s dairy cows. While other industries are just catching on to this whole ‘big data’ thing, the animal sciences — and dairy breeding in particular — … Continue reading

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Big Data Bytes of the Week: The End of Big Data?

The end of Big Data? Based on his discussions with CIOs, reports Derrick Harris at GigaOm, Opera Solutions’ CEO Arnab Gupta “thinks the analytics market will crest around the end of next year as CIOs face enormous data spikes.”  Is … Continue reading

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The First Law of Big Data

EMC released today the 5th annual Digital Universe study from IDC.  So now we have five years’ worth of estimating, with a consistent methodology, the amount of data created and copied annually in the world. It turns out that the … Continue reading

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