Category Archives: Data Growth

U.S. Government’s Data Explosion (Infographic)

Source: Scality    

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How Data Centers Work? (Infographic)


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The nature of data (Infographic)

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What Happens on the Web in 60 Seconds (Infographic)

Source: Qmee

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Structured and Unstructured Data 2010-2015

Source: BI Intelligence “Structured” and “Unstructured” data are somewhat misleading terms. All forms of human communications have some structure (e.g., language) and machine-generated data typically has a structure because it is designed to have one. What we have is a … Continue reading

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Bits to Yottabytes: The Past and Future of Hard Drives

Brought to you by datascience@berkeley: Master of Information and Data Science “Hard drive capacity has increased 50-million-fold since 1956. It took 26 years to create a 1 GB hard drive, but between 2007 and 2011, hard drives quadrupled in size … Continue reading

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3 Big Data Milestones

If you were asked to name the top three events in the history of the IT industry, which ones would you choose? Here’s my list: June 30, 1945: John Von Neumann published the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, … Continue reading

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Data Explosion: An Internet Minute

Today, the number of networked devices is equal to the global population. By 2015, the number of networked devices will be twice the global population. Source: Intel

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The Economist on Big Data (Video)


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The Big Data Explosion (Infographic)

Lotsa data in this Infographic about data growth

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