Category Archives: Big Data Practice

What’s to be Done about Getting to Data-Driven Culture?

Digital transformation advice for traditional businesses from Randy Bean Read more

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Profiles in Data: 262 Female Writers on Data Science and Big Data Analytics

[slideshare id=46578194&doc=womenwhowrotetheanalyticsbookfinal-150402083415-conversion-gate01&type=d]   Meta S. Brown: “Don’t miss out on half the talent in the analytics field! When you’re looking for analytics talent, look for women.”

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What Will Make You a Big Data Leader?

  The IBM Institute for Business Value’s 2013 analytics survey surveyed 900 business and IT executives from 70 countries. “Leaders” (19% of the sample) were respondents self identified as “substantially outperforming their market or industry peers” in a question used by the IBM Institute for … Continue reading

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Jim Kaskade’s Personal Big Data Story (Strata Video)

[youtube=] “[Big data] starts with the application. So stop building your big data sandboxes, stop building your big data stacks, stop building your Big Data Hadoop clusters–without a purpose.”

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TEKsystems Big Data Survey Findings (Infographic)

90 percent of IT leaders and 84 percent of IT professionals believe investments of time, money and resources into Big Data initiatives are worthwhile However, only 14 percent of IT leaders report Big Data concepts are regularly applied in their … Continue reading

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Big Data Panels at the 2013 MIT CIO Symposium (Video)

[youtube=] Moderator: Tom Davenport, Babson College Annabelle Bexiga, TIAA-CREF; Frank Diana, TCS; Jack Norris, MapR; Keith Collins, SAS Institute; Michael Chui, McKinsey Global Institute Davenport: “I’m going to trademark ‘Humongous Data’” [youtube=] Moderator: Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT Center for Digital Business Prof. Andrew Lo, MIT Sloan … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big data market, Big Data Practice, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

Big Data in Big Companies: Tom Davenport and Jill Dyche on their Latest Research

[youtube] From the executive summary of the research report (PDF): “Big data may be new for startups and for online firms, but many large firms view it as something they have been wrestling with for years. Some managers appreciate the … Continue reading

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