Category Archives: Big Data Platforms

Explaining Big Data by ExplainingComputers (Video)


Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big Data Platforms | Leave a comment

Edd Dumbill on the Internet of Things and Data Science

Edd Dumbill, VP Strategy, Silicon Valley Data Science: “There’s cultural change, we see that with data analytics. Tools are half of the problem, culture is the other.” [youtube]

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big Data Platforms, Data Science, Internet of Things | Leave a comment

The Big Data Landscape

[slideshare id=15194469&w=427&h=356&sc=no] The Big Data Landscape from bigdatalandscape

Posted in Big Data Landscape, Big data market, Big Data Platforms | Leave a comment

Big Data: The Moving Parts

  Source: Dion Hinchcliffe, “The enterprise opportunity of Big Data: Closing the ‘clue gap,’” August 15, 2011

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Landscape, Big data market, Big Data Platforms | Leave a comment

Infochimps’ New CEO on What’s Next in Big Data

Jim Kaskade’s crystal ball shared with him recently a list of upcoming big data acquisitions: EMC will buy MapR, Oracle will buy Cloudera, and Teradata will buy Hortonworks. Kaskade, the newly-appointed CEO of Infochimps, believes CIOs are ready to embrace open source big data software and that … Continue reading

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