Category Archives: Big data market

Big Data Startups: $3.6 Billion in 2013 (Infographic)

Courtesy of: BigData-Startups

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Data Science in Agriculture (Infographic)

Source: Monsanto

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SAS CTO on Big Data and Big Compute

“One of my biggest challenges,” Keith Collins told me recently, “is helping SAS understand how to communicate to IT organizations. We present workloads which look odd and different. IT does not know how to have an SLA (Service Level Agreement) around them.  … Continue reading

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The Googlization of GE

The machines are taking over big data. In 2008, the number of things connected to the Internet exceeded the number of people on Earth, according to Cisco. Last year, IDC estimated that in 2020, there will be 26 times more connected things than people. … Continue reading

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Big Data Panels at the 2013 MIT CIO Symposium (Video)

[youtube=] Moderator: Tom Davenport, Babson College Annabelle Bexiga, TIAA-CREF; Frank Diana, TCS; Jack Norris, MapR; Keith Collins, SAS Institute; Michael Chui, McKinsey Global Institute Davenport: “I’m going to trademark ‘Humongous Data’” [youtube=] Moderator: Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT Center for Digital Business Prof. Andrew Lo, MIT Sloan … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big data market, Big Data Practice, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

Chris Anderson on New Areas for Big Data Analytics (Video)

Chris Anderson, CEO of 3D Robotics and former editor in chief of Wired on Quantified Self and the Internet of Things (GE’s “Industrial Internet”) as two new areas for big data analytics. Anderson: “Our ability to collect data is way … Continue reading

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Industrial Internet Size in 2020: Half a Trillion Dollars

Industrial Internet defined as The connection of industrial machine sensors and actuators to local processing and to the Internet; The onward connection to other important industrial networks that can independently generate value. Source: Defining and Sizing the Industrial Internet Update: … Continue reading

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New Scientist on Big Data (Infographic)

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The Data Merchants Tracking Your Digital Shadow (Infographic)

Data Brokers infographic by amccartney.  

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Big Data Industry Atlas

  Source:; Forbes Note: Actian has recently acquired ParAccel and Pervasive Software See also Top Ten Big Data Pure-Plays and Top 10 Most Funded Big Data Startups  

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