Category Archives: Big Data History

The Big Data Meme: 5 Scenarios for IT

In today’s New York Times, Steve Lohr surveys the rise of big data as a term and as a marketing tool, from “the confines of technology” to the mainstream. “The Big Data story is the making of a meme,” says … Continue reading

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A Very Short History of Big Data

In addition to researching A Very Short History of Data Science, I have also been looking at the history of how data became big. Here I focus on the history of attempts to quantify the growth rate in the volume … Continue reading

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Big Data Timeline

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What’s the Big Data? 12 Definitions

Last week I got an email from UC Berkeley’s Master of Information and Data Science program, asking me to respond to a survey of data science thought leaders, asking the question “What is big data”? I was especially delighted to … Continue reading

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From 10MB Hard Drive to Big Data

[slideshare id=32566426&doc=thebigstory-140321010303-phpapp02]

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Big Data in 1956: IBM Launches the Disk Drive Industry

Today in 1956, IBM announced the 305 and 650 RAMAC (Random Access Memory Accounting) “data processing machines,” incorporating the first-ever disk storage product. The 305 came with fifty 24-inch disks for a total capacity of 5 megabytes, weighed 1 ton, and could … Continue reading

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The Evolution of Big Data, At CERN and Everywhere Else (Animation)

[youtube=] Lesson by Tim Smith, animation by TED-Ed. “But if big data has been around for so long, why do we suddenly keep hearing about it now? Well, as the old metaphor explains, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and … Continue reading

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The OED, Big Data, and Crowdsourcing

The term “big data” was included in the most recent quarterly online update of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). So now we have a most authoritative definition of what recently became big news: “data of a very large size, typically to the extent that its … Continue reading

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Keeping Up With The Quants May Prevent the Next Big Data Crisis

Keeping Up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using Analytics, by Thomas H. Davenport and Jinho Kim, is an accessible and timely introduction to the data mining work of quantitative analysts. Aimed primarily at a business audience, it was … Continue reading

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Big Data Arrives at the Oxford English Dictionary

From the new quarterly update of the Oxford English Dictionary: big data n. Computing (also with capital initials) data of a very large size, typically to the extent that its manipulation and management present significant logistical challenges; (also) the branch of computing involving … Continue reading

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