Category Archives: Big Data Futures

Mok Oh’s New Big Data Venture

Where’s the value in big data? Marcel Proust believed he could regain time lost through his writing, using art to overcome the corroding power of time. Mok Oh believes he can find the ultimate value of big data by preserving our memories … Continue reading

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Kenneth Cukier Keynote at Strata Conference London 2012: The Manifest Destiny of Big Data


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Big Data in 2013

From the Economist‘s The World in 2013 Festival, Shirley Ann Jackson, president of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Rachel Sterne Haot, chief digital officer for New York City. [youtube]

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Big Data Quotes of the Week: December 8, 2012

“There are a number of new business models emerging in the big data world. In my research, I see three main approaches standing out. The first focuses on using data to create differentiated offerings. The second involves brokering this information. … Continue reading

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The Future of Big Data (Infographic)


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Jeff Hammerbacher on the Future of Data Science


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Antifragile: The New Steady State for IT?

In his new book, Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan, calls “antifragile” things that not only gain from chaos but need it in order to survive and flourish. Taleb, criticizing … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“Data is everywhere. It exists. We’re just pulling it into one place and our goal is to make it consumable for teachers”–Fahad Hassan, Always Prepped   “A lot of people are changing their title, but they’re not really data scientists, … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“These new technologies and approaches have done much more than just solve the problems around petabytes of data and thousands of events per second. They are the right way to do data. That’s why I’m not convinced the term ‘big … Continue reading

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A Big Data Roadmap for Government and Business

TechAmerica Foundation’s Big Data Commission recently released its long-awaited report, “Demystifying Big Data: A Practical Guide to Transforming the Business of Government.” It offers a comprehensive roadmap for the use of Big Data by the Federal government and a set of policy recommendations … Continue reading

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