Category Archives: Big Data Futures

Mary Meeker’s Annual Survey of IT Trends

Mary Meeker, partner at the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, delivered her annual survey of information technology trends at the AllThingsD D11 conference today. Her summary: “The latest edition of the annual Internet Trends report finds continued … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Internet of Things, Stats | Leave a comment

3 Big Data Milestones

If you were asked to name the top three events in the history of the IT industry, which ones would you choose? Here’s my list: June 30, 1945: John Von Neumann published the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big Data History, Data Growth | Leave a comment

Data Explosion: An Internet Minute

Today, the number of networked devices is equal to the global population. By 2015, the number of networked devices will be twice the global population. Source: Intel

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Data Growth, Infographics | Leave a comment

Moju Labs’ Smart Album: The Killer App for Google Glass?

Mok Oh wants to create a “Smart Photo Album.” I think it may well be the killer app for Google Glass. The most talked-about gadget of the moment, proudly displayed by only a handful of carefully selected  early users, The Glass has … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Predictions, startups | Leave a comment

Big Data and Health Care

I love the conclusion of this good-looking infographic: “Doctors will learn to increasingly rely on technology and big data for triage, diagnosis and decision-making. Consequently, doctors will become better at their jobs, health care costs will decrease, and patient care … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Bubble, Big Data Futures, Infographics | Leave a comment

Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier, authors of the just-published Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think,  reacted sharply when I asked them if they are cheerleaders for big data, as one reviewer implied. ”We … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Data Science, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

Kenneth Cukier Interviewed at Strata 2013 (Video)


Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big data market, Predictive analytics | Leave a comment

Jeanne Harris Travels Back to the Future with Big Data

Jeanne Harris at Strata 2013: “The movie we are in people is not Fields of Dreams, it’s Groundhog Day. We have to learn from the patterns of history. ….back in 1980s they were talking about the data deluge…. We have done … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big Data History | Leave a comment

Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro on Big Data and Analytics (Slides)

An overview of analytics, data mining, and data science education in the era of Big Data: Analytics, data mining, data science – What do we call it? Big data trends Jobs and skills Analytics education overview [slideshare id=16622437&w=427&h=356&sc=no] Source: KDnuggets

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Education, Big Data Futures, Big Data Jobs, Data Mining, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education | Leave a comment

The Economist on Big Data (Video)


Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Futures, Big data market, Data Growth | Leave a comment