Category Archives: Big Data Analytics

Big Data Quotes of the Week

“The world is one big data problem. There’s a bit of arrogance in that, and a bit of truth as well.”–Andrew McAfee “…one of the most exciting parts of the LinkedIn platform and the LinkedIn ecosystem is that the more … Continue reading

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Facebook’s IPO and the Laws of Big Data

Without using any predictive analytics tools, I confidently predict that Facebook’s IPO will give rise to more vocal demands for people to “get a cut” of its—and other social media companies’—profits. People deserve, so the argument goes, a share of … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“This is the first time the world has seen this scale and quality of data about human communication… For the first time, we have a microscope that not only lets us examine social behavior at a very fine level that … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“Toward the end of the process [of deciding whether to accept Google’s $6 billion offer, Groupon’s CEO Andrew] Mason brought in Nitin Sharma, a data scientist who worked for Groupon, to make a presentation. Sharma had crunched the numbers and, … Continue reading

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Big Data Events June-September 2012

Most recent update: June 2, 2012 International Conference on Advancements in Information Technology 2012 June 2-3, Hong Kong Data Analysis Conference: Tools of the Trade June 4-5, Atlantic City, New Jersey TDWI Solution Summit: Big Data Analytics for Real-Time Business Advantage … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“A wind of streaming data, social data and unstructured data is knocking at the door, and we’re starting to let it in. It’s a scary place at the moment”–Unidentified bank IT executive, quoted in American Banker  

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Machines vs. Models, Noise vs. Signal

An excerpt from Nassim Taleb’s forthcoming book, Antifragile, was posted yesterday on the Farnam Street blog. In “Noise and Signal,” Taleb says that “In business and economic decision-making, data causes severe side effects —data is now plentiful thanks to connectivity; … Continue reading

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Boston Digs Big Data

As first reported by Xconomy’s Greg Huang, three Boston-based big data initiatives were announced today at MIT: 1. Intel’s newest Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC) for Big Data will be hosted by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). 

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“It’s great to see [data science] maturing, and this new focus will lead to data applications which are not just more powerful, but more reliable and more impactful as well. Data Science has come of Statistical age.”–David Smith, Revolution Analytics

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Big Data Analytics in the New IBM CEO Study

The new Global IBM CEO Study found that almost one-quarter of CEOs say their organizations operate below par in terms of driving value from data. A consumer products CEO from North America summarized the feeling of frustration brought about by the explosion in … Continue reading

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