Category Archives: Big Data Analytics

Top 10 Most Funded Big Data Startups

Big data is attracting a lot of venture capital. Of the many startups claiming big data as their business, who has received the most funding so far? CrunchAnalytics (which I wrote about here) provides an answer based on data from CrunchBase, showing us … Continue reading

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Processing Big Data, The Facebook Way

Source: A rare look inside Facebook’s Oregon data center [photos, video], GigaOM

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Processing Big Data, the Google Way

Processing big data at Google’s data centers     Source:

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Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier, authors of the just-published Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think,  reacted sharply when I asked them if they are cheerleaders for big data, as one reviewer implied. ”We … Continue reading

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Big Data Analytics and Data Science at Netflix (Video)

Chris Pouliot, the Director of Analytics and Algorithms at Netflix: “…my team does not only personalizations for movies, but we also deal with content demand prediction. Helping our buyer down in Beverly Hills figure out how much do we pay … Continue reading

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The Errors of Big Data

  We’re more fooled by noise than ever before, and it’s because of a nasty phenomenon called “big data.” With big data, researchers have brought cherry-picking to an industrial level. Modernity provides too many variables, but too little data per … Continue reading

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Kenneth Cukier Interviewed at Strata 2013 (Video)


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LinkedIn’s Yael Garten on Data Science Goes Mobile (Video)

Yael Garten at Strata 2013 on big data on small devices   [youtube]

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LinkedIn’s Daniel Tunkelang on How to Interview a Data Scientist

Tunkelang: The O’Reilly Strata Conference brings together an incredible community of people working on big data. This year, I decided to do something different for my presentation. Rather than talk about science or technology, I addressed the practical problem of interviewing the candidates … Continue reading

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Big Data Commentary Roundup

Katie Baker in Grantland: “After spending two days and nights [at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference] talking and thinking and hearing about data visualization and correlation coefficients and Big Data… and things like ‘Dequantizing the Player Draft Using Extreme … Continue reading

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