Category Archives: Big Data Analytics

David Smith on Predictive Analytics and Big Data (Video)

David Smith, VP  Marketing and Community Relations, Revolution Analytics, on predictive analytics, big data, and real time at the O’Reilly Strata conference. [youtube]

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The Big Data Landscape Revisited

Bruce Reading, CEO of VoltDB, has an interesting and original take on the big data landscape. Last year, Dave Feinleib published the Big Data Landscape, “to organize this rapidly growing technology sector.” One prominent data scientist told me “it’s just a bunch of … Continue reading

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Big Data and Health Care

I love the conclusion of this good-looking infographic: “Doctors will learn to increasingly rely on technology and big data for triage, diagnosis and decision-making. Consequently, doctors will become better at their jobs, health care costs will decrease, and patient care … Continue reading

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The Big Data Debate: Correlation vs. Causation

In the first quarter of 2013, the stock of big data has experienced sudden declines followed by sporadic bouts of enthusiasm. The volatility—a new big data “V”—continues this month and Ted Cuzzillo summed up the recent negative sentiment in “Big … Continue reading

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Which Country Facebook Users Move To?

  In “Data Science of the Facebook World,” Stephen Wolfram presents analysis of data collected from the million people using Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics for Facebook.  The chart above shows the movement between countries of people in this sub-population of Facebook users.

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Peter Drucker on Big Data

Rick Wartzman writes today on in “Peter Drucker and the Big Data Revolution” about a 1955 meeting between Peter Drucker and IBM’s executives in which Drucker praised them for delivering  “what the customer considers value”: They “come to you because … Continue reading

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Big Data Concerns (Survey)

  Base: 417 respondents at organizations using or planning to deploy data analytics, BI or statistical analysis software Data: InformationWeek 2013 Analytics, Business Intelligence and Information Management Survey of 541 business technology professionals, October 2012

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Big Data and the CIA

Ira “Gus” Hunt, CTO, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [youtube]

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Who’s Big in Big Data? (Infographic)

  Source: Datasift

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Big Data & Data Science: What Does a Data Scientist Do?

[slideshare id=16190193&w=427&h=356&sc=no] Big Data [sorry] & Data Science: What Does a Data Scientist Do? from Data Science London

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Science Education, Data Science History, Data Scientists | Leave a comment