Category Archives: Big Data Analytics

What’s to be Done about Getting to Data-Driven Culture?

Digital transformation advice for traditional businesses from Randy Bean Read more

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Bringing AI to Bear on Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence

A new report profiles 125 global companies that bring AI tools to the emerging real-world data and real-world evidence industry. Read more

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The State-of-Data, September 2021

“We have had an epidemic of modeling in this country. Right now we need a lot more humility”—Michael T. Osterholm Read more

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How to Transform Your Company Into a Digital Leader

In Getting to Nimble: How to Transform Your Company Into a Digital Leader, Peter High provides a guide to ensuring your company is ready to pivot and seize new digital opportunities. Read more

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The State-of-Data, August 2021

Data is eating the world. Here’s the latest data on the state-of-data Read more

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The State-of-Data, July 2021

Data is eating the world. Here’s the latest data on the state-of-data Read more

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The State of Data, June 2021

Data is eating the world, continuing to impact every aspect of our lives. Here’s the data on the state-of-data in June 2021, from current attitudes towards self-driving cars to the dramatic reduction in the price of lithium-ion batteries supporting the … Continue reading

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The State of Data, May 2021

Data is eating the world, byte after byte after byte. Read more

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The State of Data, April 2021

The data on the state-of-data in April 2021. Read more

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The Data Index, March 2021

Data is eating the world and there are numerous indicators of its ubiquitous presence in our lives. Read more

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