Category Archives: Big Data Analytics

Gartner: Hype Cycle for Big Data 2013

  Doug Henschen at InformationWeek: “Cloud computing and in-memory databases, two darlings of the big data movement, have passed the ‘peak of inflated expectations’ and are headed into the ‘trough of disillusionment,’ according to Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Big Data, … Continue reading

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Bits to Yottabytes: The Past and Future of Hard Drives

Brought to you by datascience@berkeley: Master of Information and Data Science “Hard drive capacity has increased 50-million-fold since 1956. It took 26 years to create a 1 GB hard drive, but between 2007 and 2011, hard drives quadrupled in size … Continue reading

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Big Data: Who, Why, and How (Infographic)

“Early adopters of Big Data analytics have gained a significant lead over the rest of the corporate world. Examining more than 400 large companies, we found that those with the most advanced analytics capabilities are outperforming competitors by wide margins.” … Continue reading

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What Will Make You a Big Data Leader?

  The IBM Institute for Business Value’s 2013 analytics survey surveyed 900 business and IT executives from 70 countries. “Leaders” (19% of the sample) were respondents self identified as “substantially outperforming their market or industry peers” in a question used by the IBM Institute for … Continue reading

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Hadoop Inventor Doug Cutting on the Future of Data (Video)

[youtube=] Some facts about data: Hardware gets cheaper Data is valuabe Open source wins Hadoop gets better Hadoop is general Hadoop dominates big data (de facto operating system for big data) Even transactions are possible on Hadoop The future of … Continue reading

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SiSense: Scaling Users, Not Data

In a new Saturday Night Live sketch, “Secretary Sebelius” explains that is so slow because it was designed to handle only six users at a time. We’ve become accustomed to everything online slowing down with additional users, but SiSense last week announced the … Continue reading

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Jim Kaskade’s Personal Big Data Story (Strata Video)

[youtube=] “[Big data] starts with the application. So stop building your big data sandboxes, stop building your big data stacks, stop building your Big Data Hadoop clusters–without a purpose.”

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TEKsystems Big Data Survey Findings (Infographic)

90 percent of IT leaders and 84 percent of IT professionals believe investments of time, money and resources into Big Data initiatives are worthwhile However, only 14 percent of IT leaders report Big Data concepts are regularly applied in their … Continue reading

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The Future of Statistics Unconference (Video)

Simply Statistics organized The Future of Statistics Unconference which was streamed live on Oct 30, 2013. The panelists were Hadley Wickham, Statistics, Rice University Hilary Mason, Data Scientist in Residence at Accel Joe Blitzstein, Statistics, Harvard Sinan Aral, MIT Sloan School of Management Daniela … Continue reading

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TheCUBE Interview with David Smith, Revolution Analytics (Video)


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