Category Archives: Big Data Analytics

Wikibon on Big Data

[slideshare id=40505927&doc=wikibonbigdatacapitalmarketsday2014presentation-141020142409-conversion-gate02] From SiliconAngle: While media coverage focus on a few spectacular Big Data successes, giving the impression that Big Data analytics is “as easy as collecting some data, deploying an application or two and waiting for the ‘game-changing’ insights … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Landscape, Big data market | Leave a comment

How Data Travels Around the World by impression.

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Is Privacy Becoming a Luxury Good? Julia Angwin Keynote at Strata + Hadoop 2014 (Video)

[youtube] We are being watched – by companies, by the government, by our neighbors. Technology has made powerful surveillance tools available to everyone. And now some of us are investing in counter-surveillance techniques and tactics. Julia Angwin discusses how … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Backlash | Leave a comment

Data & The New Era of Interactive Storytelling–Strata+Hadoop 2014 (Video)

[youtube]   Data is an evolving story. It’s not a static snapshot of a point in time insight. With data from internal and external sources constantly updating, we are evolving from rear-view mirror dashboard views into an era of … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Visualization | Leave a comment

Statistics Without the Agonizing Pain: John Rauser Keynote at Strata + Hadoop 2014 (Video)

[youtube] There are two essential skills for the data scientist: engineering and statistics. A great many data scientists are very strong engineers but feel like impostors when it comes to statistics. In this talk John will argue that the … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Statistics | Leave a comment

A Statistician’s View on Big Data and Data Science in Pharmaceutical Development

[slideshare id=40244839&doc=bigdatadatasciencepharmaoct2014-141014064735-conversion-gate01]

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Science History, Statistics | Leave a comment

Most companies analyze a mere 12% of their data (Infographic)

  Source: Platfora  

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Big Data and Intuition: Status Update

Two new reports on big data and big decisions were released last week by Accenture and PwC. Both reports shed new light on the impact of big data on enterprises today, and how it is changing the process of decision … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Stats | Leave a comment

What’s the Big Data? 12 Definitions

Last week I got an email from UC Berkeley’s Master of Information and Data Science program, asking me to respond to a survey of data science thought leaders, asking the question “What is big data”? I was especially delighted to … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data History | Leave a comment

Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2014

      Source: Gartner Note that the Internet of Things has replaced big data at the top of the “peak of inflated expectations” (see Gartner’s 2013 Hype Cycle). Both will take another 5 to 10 years to reach the … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Internet of Things | Leave a comment