Category Archives: AI
Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2016: Deep Learning Still Missing
For the 22nd year, Gartner has released its much-discussed hype cycle report on emerging technologies, “providing a cross-industry perspective on the technologies and trends that business strategists, chief innovation officers, R&D leaders, entrepreneurs, global market developers and emerging-technology teams should … Continue reading
Timeline of Artificial Intelligence
Source: Live Science
Artificial Intelligence: Market Overview
Venture Scanner: Deep Learning/Machine Learning (General): Companies that build computer algorithms that operate based on their learnings from existing data. Examples include predictive data models and software platforms that analyze behavioral data. Deep Learning/Machine Learning (Applications): Companies that utilize computer … Continue reading
The News About AI (Infographic)
Source: Singular Vision
Forrester’s Top Emerging Technologies To Watch: 2017-2021
Forrester: As a refresh to my 2014 blog and report, here are the next 15 emerging technologies Forrester thinks you need to follow closely. We organize this year’s list into three groups — systems of engagement technologies will help you … Continue reading
What AI Researchers Say About When Superintelligence will Arrive
Oren Etzioni: To get a more accurate assessment of the opinion of leading researchers in the field, I turned to the Fellows of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, a group of researchers who are recognized as having made significant, … Continue reading
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Focus at Intel Analytics Summit
From the most recent edition of the tech bible: Moore’s Law begat faster processing and cheap storage which begat machine learning and big data which begat deep learning and today’s AI Spring. In her opening keynote at the Intel Analytics … Continue reading
AI by the Numbers: Funding, China, agribots, analytics, robo-surgery, driverless cars
Source: Raconteur
How AI will change management
Accenture: Interpersonal and judgment skills become more essential as AI evolves AI will shift focus from coordination and control to judgment work, such as strategy and innovation, collaboration, people and community.