Category Archives: AI
Rodney Brooks: How to Make Robots As Intelligent as Kids
[youtube] See also Research Needed on Robot Hands
Human-Level AI: When and How?
[youtube] From the Beneficial AI conference, January 6-8, 2017
76% of Business Decision-Makers Believe AI is Fundamental to Future Success
AI and Data-Driven Marketing Technology
Scott Brinker: …you can see from this chart that master-martech-analyst David Raab shared at the last MarTech confernece in San Francisco that AI (machine intelligence) is blossoming across the whole industry with vendors of all sizes (and this is only … Continue reading
6 Roads to Prediction: Machine Learning Algorithms (Infographic)
Source: Data Iku
Alexa, How Many of You Have Been Sold?
Business Insider: According to Statista’s estimates — based in part on earlier US sales data from CIRP — total Echo device sales have more than doubled from 2015 to 2016. The amount of “skills” third-party developers have built for Alexa, meanwhile, has risen … Continue reading
Pressed Data: Best of 2016
In Pressed Data, my column, I try to chronicle the evolution of digital technologies, their business impact, and the people behind the innovations, business models, and new ideas. In 2016, I covered artificial intelligence—the 60-year-old new new thing, … Continue reading
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Marketing
Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah at Inbound 2016 At Inbound 2016, HubSpot’s co-founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah entertained 19,000 attendees with their take on the past and future of marketing. Here’s what I learned from their keynote presentation and … Continue reading
Artificial Intelligence from Aperio Systems Protects Critical Infrastructure
Startup Aperio Systems emerged from stealth mode in November, offering “a polygraph for process data, detecting when your system is lying to you,” says CEO Yevgeni Nogin. “We are not a typical cybersecurity company,” Nogin explained in a phone interview … Continue reading
Augmented Intelligence (#AI)
Augmented Intelligence (#AI) — Gil Press (@GilPress) November 29, 2016 Augmented Intelligence (#AI) — Gil Press (@GilPress) November 29, 2016