Category Archives: AI
Mobile Becomes AI
…Microsoft Form 10K 2017: Vision: “Our strategy is to build best-in-class platforms and productivity services for an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge infused with artificial intelligence (“AI”).” ……# Mentions AI or artificial intelligence: 7 …Microsoft Form 10K 2016: Vision: “Our strategy … Continue reading
AI will Eclipse Hadoop, Says Forrester
When you start a revolution, you need to go public before the next revolution starts. Hadoop used to be the “revolutionary” technology behind the “big data” revolution but it has now been buried deep by deep learning, at least as … Continue reading
Which Jobs will be Lost to Automation?
Source: Visual Capitalist
AI and Automation: Predictions, Perceptions, and Proposals
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin declared last week that the threat of artificial intelligence taking over American jobs “is not even on my radar screen.” Mnuchin is “not worried at all,” at least not for the next 50 to 100 years. This was … Continue reading
The AI and Automation Buzz
CB Insights: Media buzz around AI, robotics, and automation increased significantly towards the end of 2016. JP Gownder, Forrester: The forward march of automation technologies — which include hardware (e.g. robots, digital kiosks), software (e.g. AI), and customer self-service (e.g. … Continue reading
China to Grow its AI Market from $2 Billion Today to $150 Billion in 2030
China has laid out a development plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) by 2030, aiming to surpass its rivals technologically and build a domestic industry worth almost US$150 billion (S$204 billion). Released by the State Council, … Continue reading
AI to Add $16 Trillion to Global Economy in 2030
HT: @miguelselas
AI Technologies Today and Tomorrow
Source: Callaghan Innovation (Infographic)
AI in Cybersecurity Startups Landscape
Source: CB Insights
Could AI Do Your Job?
MGI: Overall, we estimate that about half of the activities that people are paid almost $15 trillion to do in the global economy have the potential to be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technology… All occupations will be affected. Only … Continue reading