Author Archives: GilPress

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress

Data Science at Netflix with Elastic MapReduce


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DJ Patil at LeWeb, December 2012

[youtube] Summary of the presentation by Ben Rooney here Update: Ben Rooney interviews DJ Patil [youtube]

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Past Courses in Big Data Analytics and Data Science: Content Online

Past Courses in Big Data Analytics and Data Science Content Online Analyzing Big Data with Twitter (UC Berkeley, School of Information) (Fall 2012) Introduction to Data Science (Columbia University, Statistics Department) (Fall 2012 Introduction to  Data Science (UC Berkeley, Computer Science) (Spring … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Analytics, Big Data Education, Data Science, Data Science Education | Leave a comment

Big Data Quotes of the Week: December 1, 2012

“Let us cultivate the mathematical sciences with ardor, without wanting to extend them beyond their domain; and let us not imagine that one can attack history with formulas, nor give sanction to morality through theories of algebra or the integral … Continue reading

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Big Data Quotes of the Week

“Data is everywhere. It exists. We’re just pulling it into one place and our goal is to make it consumable for teachers”–Fahad Hassan, Always Prepped   “A lot of people are changing their title, but they’re not really data scientists, … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data Futures, Data Science, Data Scientists, Quotes | Leave a comment

Mobile Data Growth 2007-2012

  Source: Maximum Entropy

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What Has Steve Jobs Wrought?

Steve Jobs had an insanely great ride on the waves of digitization that have transformed the way we work and play over the last few decades. But taking a cursory look at the hundreds of tributes published to commemorate the anniversary … Continue reading

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Data Scientists: The Definition of Sexy

I put “sexy” in the title because I’m told that the words in the title make all the difference in getting noticed on the Web. That has certainly proven true for the Harvard Business Review after it included the word “sexiest” in the title … Continue reading

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Big Data and Data Science Events September-December 2012

Big Data and Data Science Events September – December 2012 Last updated September 16, 2012 TDWI World Conference   Sep 16–21, Boston Predictive Analytics World–Government   September 17-18, Washington DC *** To get a 15% off of the 2 Day and Combo passes, … Continue reading

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The Data Scientist Will Be Replaced By Tools

We just started to use the term “data scientist” and the demise of this new profession is already predicted? Well, at least it’s not one more “rise of the machines” prophecy; it’s the provocative title of a proposed panel for the upcoming … Continue reading

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