Author Archives: GilPress

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress

Top 10 Predictions for $2.14 Trillion IT Market in 2014: IDC

IDC issued recently its top 10 predictions for 2014. IDC’s Frank Gens predicted that 2014 “will be about pitched battles” and a coming IT industry consolidation around a small number of big “winners.” The industry landscape will change as “incumbents … Continue reading

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The Digitization of Everything or the Coming of the Internet of Flying Things

To: Mr C.Grant Your @amazon order has been dispatched. — Jingle Boles (@GeneralBoles) December 2, 2013 My post on Inside Tech Talk: The only bit of news—and a lot of buzz—that came out of Jeff Bezos’ interview with Charlie … Continue reading

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Mobile Drives Big Data: Ericsson Mobility Report

      The complete report is here and here

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Sources and Types of Big Data (Infographic)

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Big Data: Who, Why, and How (Infographic)

“Early adopters of Big Data analytics have gained a significant lead over the rest of the corporate world. Examining more than 400 large companies, we found that those with the most advanced analytics capabilities are outperforming competitors by wide margins.” … Continue reading

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DataKind’s Jack Porway on Data Science

[youtube=] “If you leave an excited data scientist on his own to solve a problem, he’s going to solve his own problem – which is usually parking his car, or finding a bar to drink at. The trick that we … Continue reading

Posted in Data Science, Data Science Careers, Data Scientists | Leave a comment

What Will Make You a Big Data Leader?

  The IBM Institute for Business Value’s 2013 analytics survey surveyed 900 business and IT executives from 70 countries. “Leaders” (19% of the sample) were respondents self identified as “substantially outperforming their market or industry peers” in a question used by the IBM Institute for … Continue reading

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From the Great Minds Think Alike File: IT is the Business

Twitted from the Gartner Symposium, October 2013 “IT is no longer a ‘department’ like accounting or facilities. The businesses that continue to view it this way will not be able to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the digitization … Continue reading

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The Digitization of IT

In many companies today, the “consumerization of IT” is turning into the “Digitization of IT.” The spreading of consumer technologies and services into the workplace is being expanded into a larger set of IT practices, borrowed from Silicon Valley innovators … Continue reading

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SAS CTO on Big Data and Big Compute

“One of my biggest challenges,” Keith Collins told me recently, “is helping SAS understand how to communicate to IT organizations. We present workloads which look odd and different. IT does not know how to have an SLA (Service Level Agreement) around them.  … Continue reading

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