Author Archives: GilPress

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress

7 Predictions for 2016 from IDC

Issuing IDC’s top 10 predictions for 2016, chief analyst Frank Gens advised enterprises to transform or die, noting that the overarching theme for 2016 is “digital transformation scales up.” Scale is the “critical ingredient in the unfolding battle for digital … Continue reading

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28 Numbers from IDC about IT Futures

  By 2020, almost 50% of IT budgets will be tied into DX (digital transformation) initiatives. By 2018, Line of Business (LOB) executives will control 45%+ of all IT spending worldwide, over 60% in the U.S. By 2017, over 50% … Continue reading

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How to evaluate a data scientist

Jerry Overton: What’s commonly expected from a data scientist is a combination of subject matter expertise, mathematics, and computer science. This is a tall order and it makes sense that there would be a shortage of people who fit the … Continue reading

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65% growth in mobile data traffic over last 12 months driven by video

  Ericsson Mobility Report: Video dominates data traffic: Global mobile data traffic is forecast to grow ten-fold by 2021, and video is forecast to account for 70 percent of total mobile traffic in the same year. In many networks today, YouTube … Continue reading

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Only 16% of IT budgets are allocated to investments in innovation and growth

While 45% of CIOs identify “innovation” and 44% point to “growth” as their organizations’ most important priorities, only 15% are investing in emerging technologies . Only 16% of IT budgets are allocated to investments in innovation and growth, with the … Continue reading

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Artifical Intelligence Machines to Replace Physicians and Transform Healthcare

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10 New Big Data Observations from Tom Davenport

[youtube] The term “big data” has become nearly ubiquitous. Indeed, it seems that every day we hear new reports of how some company is using big data and sophisticated analytics to become increasingly competitive. The topic first began to … Continue reading

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Google’s RankBrain Outranks the Best Brains in the Industry

Bloomberg recently broke the news that Google is “turning its lucrative Web search over to AI machines.” Google revealed to the reporter that for the past few months, a very large fraction of the millions of search queries Google responds … Continue reading

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Cloud traffic will grow at an annual rate of 33% over the next 5 years, Cisco predicts

The new version of the Cisco Cloud Index computes the rapid expansion of today’s stampede to the cloud. “We have never seen anything like this in terms of speed of customer adoption,” Oracle Co-CEO Mark Hurd said recently, describing how his corporate … Continue reading

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Google Knows Everything (#IoT)

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