Author Archives: GilPress

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress

Israeli Startups Disrupting the Car Industry

There are more than 150 automotive startups and research groups in Israel, almost 100% growth over the last 4 years. Over the last 2 years, car-related startups have raised $820 million.

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What Are Amazon Echo, Apple Siri and Google Now Good For?

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600+ companies investing in deep learning

  O’Reilly Data: …more than 600 companies have jumped into applying deep learning with real budgets. …about 90 companies (level 3), have made strategic investments in deep learning for their businesses. Another 177 companies (level 2) are developing projects using … Continue reading

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Rodney Brooks on How Shallow Deep Learning is

  WBUR’s Radio Boston: On whether he foresaw today’s robots as a student at Stanford: “I thought we’d be further along in some ways. And, I didn’t imagine lots of other things. At that time, I knew of three mobile robots … Continue reading

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Where should you put your data scientists?

[slideshare id=61486991&doc=whereshouldyouputyourdatascientists-160429025555]

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A Few Internet of Things (IoT) Facts (Infographic)

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Why the Growing Threat of Ransomware is Good for You

“Unbelievable” is what FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director James Trainor called last week the increase in the amount and sophistication of ransomware attacks in the first quarter of 2016, according to CIO Journal. Last year, there were 2,453 reported ransomware … Continue reading

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10 Inventions Predicted By The Simpsons (Video)


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Data Scientists Still Hot, Salaries Cool Off

The third annual Burtch Works Study: Salaries of Data Scientists April 2016 is out, documenting the continuation of a very favorable market for those with the sexiest job of the 21st century.  However, the salaries of data scientists appear to be … Continue reading

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The Economic Impact of the Internet of Things

Source: Digitlistmag

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