Ransomware Mitigation Strategies for Businesses

If you click on an email and suddenly, your files are locked. Your computer screen displays a message: send $2,000 in Bitcoin within 3 days or your files will be deleted forever. You’ve just become the victim of ransomware, malicious software that holds your data hostage until you pay a ransom. As a business owner, a ransomware infection can be a nightmare. Customer data, financial records, proprietary information—all encrypted and inaccessible. The consequences are severe. The good news is there are steps you can take to avoid becoming just another ransomware statistic. Implementing a few key strategies can harden your defenses and mitigate the risks. 

Understanding the Threat of Ransomware

Ransomware is one of the biggest cyber threats facing businesses today. This malware encrypts your files and holds them hostage until you pay a ransom, usually in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. Even if you pay up, there’s no guarantee you’ll get your data back.

  1. Perform regular data backups

 Having recent backups of your entire system and files means ransomware can’t hold your data hostage. You can simply wipe your system and restore from backups.

  1. Use a reputable antivirus program and keep it up to date

 Antivirus solutions use signatures and heuristics to detect ransomware. But they must be kept updated to catch the latest strains.

  1. Be cautious of phishing emails and malicious links 

Most ransomware is distributed through phishing campaigns, infected websites, and malicious ads. Train your employees to spot and avoid these.

  1. Patch and update software regularly

Ransomware often exploits vulnerabilities in outdated software and systems. Keep everything from operating systems to applications up to date with the latest patches.

  1. Restrict user permissions

 Don’t give users administrative access unless absolutely necessary. Ransomware needs elevated privileges to encrypt files and systems. Limiting permissions can help reduce infection risks.

  1. Consider cyber insurance

 For an added layer of protection, cyber insurance policies can help cover costs associated with a ransomware attack like system restoration, lost revenue, and ransom payments. But prevention is still better than any cure.

With the right preparation and diligence, you can harden your defenses against ransomware. 

Implementing Strong Access Controls

To prevent ransomware attacks, you need to lock down access to your systems and data.

Restrict user permissions

Don’t give users more access than needed to do their jobs. Apply the principle of least privilege, only granting permissions for specific resources based on a user’s role. Monitor user accounts regularly and disable any unused or outdated logins.

Use strong passwords

Enforce complex passwords that are at least 8 characters long, contain a mix of letters, numbers and symbols, and are changed every 90 days. Don’t reuse the same password across accounts. Consider using a password manager to generate and remember secure passwords.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection for user logins. It requires not only a password but also a security code sent to the user’s phone or an authentication app. Enable two-factor authentication, especially for access to sensitive data and administrator accounts.

Restrict remote access

Only allow remote access to your network and systems when absolutely necessary and with the proper controls in place. Require users to connect via an Enterprise VPN (virtual private network ) solution and use two-factor authentication. Limit the number of login attempts to prevent brute force attacks.

Train your staff

Your employees are your first line of defense. Provide regular cybersecurity awareness training to teach best practices like avoiding suspicious links and attachments, using strong passwords, and reporting anything unusual. Staying vigilant and security-conscious can help prevent a ransomware infection from happening in the first place.

Backing Up Data Regularly

Backing up your data regularly is one of the most important things any business can do to mitigate the effects of ransomware. If you have backups, you have options. Without backups, your only choice may be to pay the ransom—if the hackers even provide you a decryption key.

Make backing up data a routine part of your business operations. Do full backups of your entire system, including operating systems, applications, and data files. Store backup data in a separate location, disconnected from your network, that ransomware cannot access. Offline storage options include external hard drives, flash drives, optical media like DVDs or Blu-ray disks, and cloud storage services. Back up new and changed files at least once a week, daily if possible.

Using Anti-Malware and Endpoint Security Tools

Using dedicated anti-malware and endpoint security tools is one of the best ways to help prevent ransomware attacks. As a business owner, investing in commercial endpoint protection software is well worth the cost. Some highly-rated options for businesses include:

  • Sophos Intercept X: This tool uses deep learning AI to detect and block ransomware. It can roll back changes made by any malware that gets through.
  • Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security: This endpoint protection suite uses behavioral analysis to prevent zero-day threats and ransomware. It offers virtualization-based security to isolate threats.

For any endpoint security product, be sure to enable key features like:

  • Real-time scanning. This constantly monitors for threats and blocks them immediately.
  • Behavioral analysis. This detects suspicious behavior that could signal ransomware even if the specific threat hasn’t been seen before.
  • Anomaly detection. This flags unusual activity on endpoints that could indicate an attack.
  • Application control. This limits which apps can run on endpoints to only approved ones, blocking ransomware.

You should also configure the tool to:

  • Block executable files (.exe) and scripts from running in temporary folders. Ransomware often uses these locations.
  • Disable the ability for employees to run macros in Office files as they are a common infection vector.
  • Geo-fence connections to only allow access to approved countries and block high-risk ones.
  • Require two-factor authentication for any cloud services to protect accounts.
  • Back up critical data regularly in case of infection. Offline or cloud backups are best.

Using dedicated security tools, enabling key features, and proactively configuring restrictions will significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to costly ransomware attacks. 

Deploying an Enterprise VPN Solution

Deploying an enterprise VPN solution is one of the best ways to mitigate ransomware threats for businesses. A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between endpoints that ransomware cannot penetrate.

Choose a reputable VPN provider

Look for a provider that offers robust encryption, a kill switch (to block internet access if the VPN drops), and a no-logging policy. 

Set up VPN profiles for all company devices

Configure the VPN on all employee computers, laptops, tablets, and phones. This ensures any device connecting to your company network is protected. Provide employees with clear instructions for properly setting up and using the VPN.

Only allow VPN access to authorized users

Carefully control who has access to the VPN. Only provide login credentials and access to current employees. Immediately remove access for any terminated employees.

Train employees on cybersecurity best practices

Educate your staff about the risks of ransomware and how to avoid infection. Key tips include:

• Never click suspicious links or download unverified software

• Be wary of phishing emails and malicious attachments

• Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible

• Keep all software up to date with the latest patches

• Back up critical data regularly in case of an attack

By deploying a secure VPN, enabling two-factor authentication, and educating your employees, you can strengthen your security against ransomware significantly. 


By implementing strong security controls and training, regularly backing up your critical data, deploying advanced malware detection, and planning your response to an attack, you’ll be well on your way to mitigating the risks from ransomware. The threats are real but the solutions are within your reach. Don’t delay – get started today securing your systems and protecting your business. With some strategic investments of time and resources now, you can avoid becoming just another ransomware victim statistic. 

About Kevin Pocock

Kevin is the Editor of Whatsthebigdata.com. He has a broad interest and enthusiasm for BIG DATA, AI and all things tech - and more than 8 years experience in tech journalism.
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