Big Data in Manufacturing – Importance and Use Cases

Wondering how manufacturers utilize data in the manufacturing products and enhance their processes? Then we have got you covered! 

Big Data in Manufacturing is giant data that is generated through every stage of production including data collection through machines, operators, devices, etc. Big Data analysis is huge in the manufacturing process as it helps generate insights on market trends, predict faults or issues in the equipment, help with product customization, and more.

In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Big Data in Manufacturing, its Importance, Use cases, Real-life examples, and much more. So, let’s begin.

What is Big Data in Manufacturing?

Big Data in Manufacturing refers to the massive and complex datasets that can help manufacturers gain insights, assist in decision-making, and identify patterns within the manufacturing industry. Big Data acquires insights through a variety of sources such as supply chain logistics, sensors on equipment, customer feedback, and more.

The major characteristics of Big Data in manufacturing are volume, velocity, variety, value, and veracity. Big Data in Manufacturing can be utilized for predicting machine failures, monitoring the production process, analyzing market trends, historical sales data, and more. 

Why is Big Data important in the manufacturing industry?

Big Data plays a vital role in Manufacturing as it helps provide excellent insights at every stage of the production process, including data from operators, machines, and devices. Manufacturers utilize big data to gain valuable insights, optimize their supply chain, enhance the quality of their products, and reduce costs.

Apart from this, Big Data can also assist manufacturers by predicting maintenance needs, preventing downtime, and creating a safe and secure work environment. 

Real-life Examples of Big Data in Manufacturing

Big Data has been making a significant impact in the Manufacturing industry. So, let’s look at Big Data in manufacturing examples: 

  1. Predictive Management: Data from sensors and manufacturing equipment can be utilized by manufacturers to make predictions of any machine failures. This helps manufacturers prevent any unplanned downtime, and optimize maintenance plans, which can help save plenty of costs. 
  1. Quality Check: Big Data can also be utilized to monitor and identify the production process in real-time. This way manufacturers can have a look at any defects or deviations from the quality standards. This way manufacturers can have quality control and take corrective actions to enhance the quality of the equipment and reduce defects. 
  1. Supply Chain Optimization: Manufacturers can easily optimize inventory levels by identifying and processing the data through the supply chain. This helps manufacturers in improving the efficiency of the overall supply chain and helps decrease lead times. Providing improved customer satisfaction while saving costs at the same time. 
  1. Energy Management: Big Data analytics can help identify and monitor the entire energy use patterns. This allows manufacturers to take essential measures such as energy consumption, cost saving, environmental advantages, and much more. 
  1. Demand Forecasting: Big Data can help analyze marketing trends, historical sales data, and many other future demands for products. Which can be highly beneficial for adjusting production levels, and learning about customer demands. This can help manufacturers learn about customers better and generate products based on their preferences, resulting in an increase in sales. 
  1. Optimize process: Another great use of Big Data analytics is its ability to optimize manufacturing processes. This helps manufacturers make the process more efficient with less amount of waste. Resulting in a better productivity rate and lower expenses. 

How is Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Generated?

Big Data analytics for manufacturing generation requires a range of different software such as CMMS, MES, CRP, and more. All these software are integrated with the machine for the generation of Big Data in the manufacturing space.

Further, these generated datasets can be utilized to form patterns, analyze troubled areas, and come up with data-backed solutions. 

How is Big Data Used in Manufacturing?

Big Data is used in numerous ways when it comes to manufacturing from predictive maintenance to minimizing downtime to integrating customization and much more. Below we have listed down some different ways through which Big Data is used in manufacturing: 

1. Greater competitive edge

The manufacturing industry has played a major role in numerous technological innovations across the world. Whether it be the generation of next-gen hardware, mobile connectivity, or industrial IoT, data has been collected through various mediums to help raise competitiveness to another level. This generated data leads to greater insights into market trends, helps understand the customer needs better, and forecasts into future trends. Providing an excellent competitive edge to manufacturing houses. 

2. Minimizing downtime

Big Data analytics can be extremely useful for preventing and predictive maintenance of their hardware. Hardware downtime requires a lot of troubleshooting and effort itself and also results in hampering employees’ time. Big Data analytics plays a major role in this situation and provides a track of quality assessment of the hardware by identifying and measuring the efficiency and work of the hardware on a regular basis. 

3. Greater CX

Manufacturing companies and organizations are enabling high-quality and sophisticated sensors to deliver data-driven alerts to field technicians regarding the needs related to maintenance. These systems utilize RFID tags to monitor unit conditions and generate data-driven reports, providing precise recommendations to enhance customer services.

4. Supply chain management

Big Data analytics in manufacturing helps provide manufacturers with the ability to track down the location of their products. It utilizes top technologies such as scanners, sensors, radio frequency transmission devices, and more to get rid of any issues related to products getting lost. This way manufacturers can easily track their products and ensure everything is in place by providing a realistic delivery timeline. 

5. Production management

One vital indicator of a manufacturing facility’s productivity is understanding market demands and determining the necessary production volume. Previously, before the advent of big data in manufacturing, businesses relied on human estimates, often resulting in either excess production or shortages. Big data provides businesses with crucial predictive insights, enabling more informed decision-making.

6. Agile response to fluctuation in market demand

Integrating real-time manufacturing analytics, especially within the CRM system, allows manufacturing facilities to forecast market trends instantly. By analyzing CRM data, businesses can identify disparities in order and consumption patterns, guiding necessary adjustments in production. Furthermore, the intelligence derived from big data-driven CRM analysis helps businesses understand customer demands, allowing for a production cycle that minimizes response time.

7. Speeding up the assembly

With big data analytics in manufacturing, businesses have the capability of segmenting their production and identifying the units that get manufactured faster. This helps guide manufacturers on their actions to get the highest production by identifying the most efficient areas.  

8. Identification of hidden risks in the process

One of the best features of Big Data in Manufacturing is its ability to enable any past failures, defects, or insufficiency in the requirement through its analysis. Big Data analysis can help forecast its lifecycle by setting up a good predictive maintenance plan that is often based on the usage of the equipment or the time. This can help identify any gaps, downtime, insufficiencies, and more to help businesses create a plan in case any unexpected failure occurs. 

9. Product customization made feasible

Big Data analysis makes it possible for manufacturing to enable customization by predicting its demand. Using big data, manufacturers are able to lead time and generate customized products at an excellent scale by streamlining the manufacturing stage. This ensures less waste is taking place, which can help save money in the process.  

10. Improvement of yield and throughput

Big data technology empowers manufacturers to uncover concealed patterns within their processes, enhancing their continuous improvement efforts with increased confidence. This leads to noticeable improvements in throughput and yield.

11. Price optimization

Big data plays a crucial role in determining the optimal price point for products. By gathering and analyzing data from various stakeholders such as customers and suppliers, businesses can establish a price that aligns with customer preferences and ensures profitability.

12. Image recognition

Big data-powered image recognition software can help businesses capture the image and give the details back to the manufacturers. It can help provide a wide range of image recognition thanks to big data. 

What types of Data are typically collected by Manufacturing Systems?

Manufacturing systems can collect numerous types of data such as production rates, energy consumption, material usage, cycle times, equipment uptime/downtime, defect rates, and much more. The data collected can help provide beneficial insights about equipment through which manufacturers can predict product defects and improve the quality of their products effortlessly. 

Meanwhile, the manufacturing data can be collected through a variety of sources such as production equipment (which includes machines, robots, and generators), Sensors (this includes temperature, pressure, and vibration), and lastly human operators (which are manual input and quality checks).

All these sources help provide essential insights and information to manufacturers which can help in the decision-making process, improving customer service, predicting machine failures, and more. 

Big Data in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Big Data has been making a significant impact in Pharmaceutical manufacturing from research and development to clinical trials to manufacturing processes, Big Data has been around.

Big Data analytics assists pharmaceutical companies in analyzing data and information from numerous sensors and production equipment. It allows manufacturing to look into the quality issues and ensure the created product meets the required standards. 

Apart from this, Big Data can also be extremely useful in making future predictions in pharmaceutical manufacturing by identifying any insufficiency or defeats and looking for areas that require improvement.

Big Data is also high in personalized medicines, which means manufacturing is able to analyze large sets of data and information through different sources including patient records and genetic data, which can help identify patient-specific patterns, which can assist manufacturing in developing personalized treatment plans. 

Creating medications for individual patients based on their requirements and genetic factors can lead to effective outcomes and better treatments.

Big Data has completely revolutionized pharmaceutical manufacturing; it has created development for safer and more effective medications, enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and much more. With such massive development, big data analytics is expected to grow more and more with time in pharmaceutical manufacturing. 

Final thoughts

Big Data is truly revolutionizing the Manufacturing industry with its excellent capabilities. Not only does it help improve customer satisfaction but also helps manufacturers generate a plan for the future regarding any unexpected failures using predictive maintenance.

Above we have listed everything about Big Data in Manufacturing and how its capabilities are transforming the way manufacturers function and generate products and equipment. In addition, we have also listed down the use cases and importance of big data in the manufacturing industry. 

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress
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