How Many People Use the Internet – Statistics 2024

The internet has become a part of our day-to-day life. In 2024, the vast majority of individuals worldwide own a smartphone and have access to the internet. Today, we utilize the internet for a number of things, such as accessing social media platforms, checking bank statements, sending money, online shopping, watching videos, etc. 

The latest data shows that currently, there are over 5.44 billion internet users globally, and the numbers are expected to reach 7.9 billion by 2029. 

In this article, we are going to explore internet usage statistics in 2024, to gain a deeper understanding of the digital world and the true impact the internet has among internet users globally. 

Key Internet Usage Statistics 

As of 2024, there are 5.44 billion using the Internet worldwide. 

  • The Average time spent by an internet user globally is 6 hours and 35 minutes daily.
  • The number of Internet users is projected to reach 7.9 billion in 2029. 
  • More than 60% of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices. 
  • The number of internet users in the United States has reached 323,56 million in 2024.
  • Eastern Asia is the leading region with the highest percentage of internet users worldwide. 
  • The global internet user penetration rate reached 67.1% in April 2024.
  • Users aged 25 to 34 years old have the highest percentage of internet usage 35.6%.
  • Out of 5.44 billion internet users, 5.07 billion users access social media. 
  • China is the leading country with the highest number of internet users 1.05 billion worldwide. 
  • Asia has recorded the highest percentage of internet users globally by region.  

Number of internet users worldwide (2014 to 2029)

The Global number of internet users is projected to witness a significant increase between 2024 to 2029 by a total of 1.1 billion users (+16.92 percent). The number of internet users is expected to reach a milestone of 7.3 billion in 2029. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the number of internet users worldwide from 2014 to 2029:

Year Number of users (in millions)
2015 2,977

Source: Statista 

Internet Usage Statistics by Country 

China is the leading country with the highest number of internet users worldwide at 1.05 billion.

Followed by India in the second position with 692 million internet users, and the United States in the third position with 311.3 million internet users. 

Below we have mentioned a table highlighting the top internet users by country: 

Country Number of Internet Users
China1.05 billion
India692 million
US311.3 million
Indonesia212.9 million
Brazil181.8 million
Russia127.6 million
Nigeria122.5 million
Japan102.5 million
Mexico100.6 million
Pakistan87.35 million
Philippines85.16 million
Egypt80.75 million
Vietnam77.93 million
Germany77.53 million
Turkey71.38 million
Iran69.83 million
Bangladesh66.94 million
UK66.11 million
Thailand61.21 million
France59.94 million
Italy50.78 million
South Korea50.56 million
Spain45.12 million
Argentina39.79 million

Source: Statista

Internet user distribution worldwide in 2024, by region

As of January 2024, Asia recorded the highest percentage of internet users globally with 23.9%, almost a quarter of the global internet users belonging to Eastern Asia. Followed by Southern Asia ranked in second position with 19.6% of the global internet users. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the global internet users’ distribution based on Region: 

Region Share of internet users 
Eastern Asia 23.9%
Southern Asia 19.6%
South-Eastern Asia 9.2%
Northern America6.9%
Southern America6.8%
Eastern Europe 4.8%
Western Asia 4.3%
Western Africa3.5%
Western Europe 3.5%
Northern Africa 3.4%
Central America2.7%
Southern Europe 2.5%
Eastern Africa2.5%
Northern Europe 2%
Middle Africa1.2%
Central Asia 1.1%
Southern Africa1%
Oceania 0.7%
Caribbean 0.6%

Source: Statista 

Global internet user penetration (2014 to 2024)

As of April 2024, 67.1% of the global population was accessing the internet. Over the years, there has been significant growth in the number of users accessing the internet. Back in 2014, only 35% of the global population was accessing the internet. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of the global population using the Internet from 2014 to 2024:

YearShare of the global population 
July 202364.5%
October 202365.7%
January 202466.2%
April 202467.1%

Source: Statista

Average Daily Time spent using the Internet

As of the fourth quarter of 2023, the average daily time spent by users accessing the internet was 6 hours and 35 minutes. There has been a decrease of 1% compared to the previous quarter which has a daily average of 6 hours and forty minutes. 

Below we have mentioned a detailed table showcasing the average daily time spent by users accessing the internet:

Year Average daily time spent (in hours and minutes) 
Q3 20156.19 
Q3 20166.29 
Q3 20176.46
Q3 20186.48
Q3 20196.38
Q3 20206.55
Q3 20216.57
Q3 20226.37
Q4 20226.35
Q1 20236.4
Q2 20236.41
Q3 20236.4
Q4 20236.35

Source: Statista 

Internet Penetration Rate by Gender 

According to reports by April 2023, the share of women accessing the internet globally is low in comparison to men. The latest data revealed that 64.4% of women worldwide were accessing the internet, while the share of men was 69.8%. 

Gender Share of users 
Male 69.8%
Female 64.4%

Source: Statista 

Internet Usage Statistics by Age

As of February 2024, 35.6% of total internet usage individuals globally were between 25 to 34 years old. Followed by individuals between the ages 35 to 44 as the second leading age group with 24% and young adults aged between 18 to 24 in the third position with 19% of the total internet usage. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the percentage of internet usage globally based on Age group:

Age Group Percentage of Internet usage 
18 to 2419%
25 to 3435.6%
35 to 4424%
45 to 5411.3%
55 to 646%
65 and above  4.2%

Source: Statista

Number of Internet and social media users worldwide as of April 2024

As of April 2024, the total number of Internet users was recorded to be 67.1% of the world population. About 5.44 billion users are Internet users and of this total, about 5.07 billion users access Social Media.

Internet & Social MediaNumber of users 
Internet Users 5.44 billion 
Social Media Users 5.07 billion 

Source: Statista 

Share of Daily Internet Time Globally by Device 

Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the percentage of users spending time on the internet on smartphones. Similarly, with the rise in users accessing mobile for internet usage, there has been a decrease in the usage of computers to access the internet on a daily basis. 

During the fourth quarter of 2023, about 58% of the total daily time spent by internet users was through their mobile devices which includes smartphones and feature phones. While 42.2% of the time spent was through computers. The picture was quite different in 2017, where 54.4% of users utilized computers to access the internet, while the percentage of users utilizing mobile was 45.6%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the share of daily internet time globally based on devices: 

Year Mobiles Computer 
Q3 201745.6%54.4%
Q3 201849.5%50.5%
Q3 2019 50.8%49.2%
Q3 202052.8%47.2%
Q4 202052.2%47.8%
Q3 202153.5%46.5%
Q4 202154.7%45.3%
Q3 202256.9%43.1%
Q4 202257%43%
Q1 202356.8%43.2%
Q2 202357.1%42.9%
Q3 202357.6%42.4%
Q4 202357.8%42.2%

Source: Statista 

Number of Emails Exchanged by Internet Users

As of 2023, there were 347.3 billion emails exchanged by internet users per day and these numbers are expected to keep growing over the years. In 2024, the number of emails exchanged is projected to reach 361.6 billion. The figures are also expected to reach a milestone of 392.5 billion by 2026. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the number of emails exchanged by Internet users over the years:

YearNumber of Emails Exchanged 
2026*392.5 billion
2025*376.4 billion
2024*361.6 billion
2023347.3 billion
2022333.2 billion
2021319.6 billion
2020306.4 billion
2019293.6 billion
2018281.1 billion
2017269 billion

Source: Statista

Internet Usage Statistics in the U.S.

In this section, we are going to take a look at the internet usage statistics in the United States. We are going to highlight the total number of internet users, penetration rate, gender, and more. 

Number of Internet Users in the US 

As of 2024, the number of internet users in the United States was 323,56 million, and based on the latest reports the numbers are expected to witness excellent growth in upcoming years. The number of internet users in the U.S. is projected to reach 343.48 million in 2029. 

Here is a breakdown of the number of internet users in the United States from 2020 to 2029: 

YearNumber of Internet Users In The US
2029*343.48 million
2028*340.46 million
2027*336.6 million
2026*332.51 million
2025*328.16 million
2024323.56 million
2023318.66 million
2022313.6 million
2021308.6 million
2020301.78 million

Internet users in the U.S. by gender

The percentage of internet users in the United States based on gender is pretty equal. In 2023, the share of male internet users was low in comparison to females. The latest data revealed 96% of females were accessing the internet in the United States, while the share for male users was 94%. 

Here is a breakdown of internet users in the U.S. by gender:


Mobile Internet User Statistics

In this section, we are going to take an in-depth look at the statistics related to Mobile internet users. 

Number of mobile internet users in the U.S.

As of 2023, the number of mobile internet users in the United States reached 295.46 million. With constant demand and need for the internet all across the world, the number of mobile internet users is expected to witness significant growth over the years. Number of mobile internet users is projected to reach a milestone of 333.18 million by 2029. 

Here is a breakdown of the Number of mobile internet users in the United States:

YearNumber of Mobile Internet Users
2029*333.18 million
2028*330.25 million
2027*326.5 million
2026*322.53 million
2025*318.32 million
2024*311.36 million
2023295.46 million
2022279.04 million
2021262.31 million
2020250.45 million

Penetration Rate of mobile internet users in the U.S.

The Penetration rate of mobile internet users in the United States was 85.39% in 2023 and the numbers are projected to witness a significant growth over the years. The Penetration rate of mobile internet users is expected to reach 86.26% in 2024 and by 2029 the percentage is expected to reach a milestone of 89.2% in the United States. 

Here is a breakdown of mobile internet users penetration rate in the United States:

YearPenetration Rate

The smallest population to have internet access in the U.S. is Rural America 

According to research by the Pew Research Centre, the rural areas of the United States have the smallest population to have access to the internet by 93%. The urban area in the U.S. has 95% of the internet access and the suburban area has 97% access to the internet across the U.S. 

Social Media Statistics

The total number of internet users in 2024 is 5.44 billion out of which 5.04 billion social media users worldwide as of 2024. In 2023, the number of social media users was 4.90 billion, and in 2022 it was 4.59 billion. 

Here is a breakdown of the number of social media users over the years:

YearNumber of Social Media Users
20245.04 billion
20234.90 billion
20224.59 billion
20214.26 billion
20203.9 billion
20193.51 billion
20183.1 billion
20172.73 billion

Active Internet users on different social media platforms

Out of 5.44 billion internet users worldwide, 5.07 billion internet users access Social media. Facebook is currently the most-used social media platform among internet users with 3.05 billion users. Followed by YouTube in the second position with 2.49 billion users and WhatsApp and Instagram in the third and fourth position with 2 billion users respectively. 

Below we have mentioned a table listing down most-used social media platforms among internet users worldwide:

Social Media PlatformNumber of Users
Facebook3.05 billion
Youtube2.49 billion
Whatsapp2 billion
Instagram2 billion
TikTok1.56 billion
WeChat1.34 billion
Facebook Messenger979 million
Telegram800 million
Snapchat750 million

How Internet Users Access Internet by Device 

Mobile phones are the most popular device utilized by users to access the internet with 92.3%. Followed by laptops and desktops in the second position by 65.6%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing how internet users access the internet based on devices:

DeviceShare of Users
Mobile phone (any)92.3%
Laptop or desktop (any)65.6%
Feature phone5.2%
Tablet device27.3%
Own laptop or desktop59.1%
Work laptop or desktop28.6%
Connected television31.9%
Smart home device15.4%
Games console12.7%

Most popular reasons for using the Internet worldwide

According to a report by Statista, finding information is the most popular reason (60.3%) behind users accessing the internet globally. Followed by connecting with family and friends as the second most popular reason behind users accessing the internet by 56.8%. 

Below we have mentioned a table showcasing the top reasons behind users accessing the internet worldwide:

Popular Reasons Share of internet users 
Finding Information 60.3%
Staying in touch with friends and families 56.8%
Watching videos, tv shows or movies52.3%
Keeping up to date with news and events 50.8%
Researching how to do things48.5%
Finding new ideas and inspiration 45.6%
Accessing and listening to music 45.3%
Researching products and brands 43.5%
Filling up spare time and browsing 41.9%
Education and study-related purposes 38.3%
Researching places, vacation and travel 36.9%
Researching health issues and healthcare products 35.2%
Managing finance and savings33.7%
Business-related research 29.5%
Gaming 29.3%

Source: Statista 


How many people use the Internet in 2024?

5.44 billion people are using the internet in 2024 worldwide, which amounts to 67.1% of the world population.

Which country has the highest number of internet users?

China has the highest number of internet users worldwide with an estimated 1.05 billion internet users based on a report by Statista.

What is the internet used for most?

Finding information is the top characteristic by 60.3% for which the internet is used the most. Followed by staying in touch with friends and family as the second top reason at 56.8%, and watching online content as the third most popular reason behind users accessing the internet at 52.3%.

How many internet users are there in India in 2025?

The number of internet users in India is expected to reach 900 million by 2025 witnessing a rise of 141 million from the current 759 million users.

What happens in an internet minute in 2024?

Multiple things happen on the internet every minute in 2024. Millions of people check their emails, send out messages, perform online shopping, scroll through social media, watch videos, and much more. In addition, the time spent by users online on the internet is increasing every year with a 30% rise in online content consumption rate since the previous year. 

Who uses the internet the most age?

The age group 25 to 34 uses the internet the most, with 35.6%, followed by the Age group 35 to 44, which has an internet usage rate of 24%. 

Which country is no 1 in Internet speed?

Monaco is number one in internet speed with the leading broadband speed of 261.82 Mbps. Followed by Singapore in the second position with a broadband speed of 255.83 Mbps. 

Wrapping Up 

The above statistics clearly indicate that today, the internet has become a crucial part of our lives, with the number of people accessing the internet reaching 5.44 billion. Today, people across the world are accessing the internet for multiple purposes such as social media, education, e-commerce, and much more. With growing technology, internet usage is expected to keep evolving and growing along with the number of internet users reaching 7.9 billion in 2029.

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress
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