25 Top Big Data Tools for Data Analysis

In a world where big data is prevalent in every aspect of society, businesses are relying more and more on tools to help them analyze and make sense of the vast amounts of information they collect. 

Understanding and applying these tools effectively is crucial for various organizations to improve their operations and gain a competitive edge in their field. Let’s go into the details of top big data tools for data analysis and see how companies can benefit enormously from each one.

1. Integrate.io

What makes integrate.io a truly unique big data tool is its ability to simplify data integration across multiple platforms. Professionals can create custom data pipelines without intricate coding with its super user-friendly interface. 

Even complex operations on the data like filtering, joining, aggregating, cleansing, and enriching can be performed effortlessly by the rich set of data transformation components that it provides. Since this powerful tool supports real-time data streaming and batch processing, it can guarantee high data quality and security.


  • Supporting integration with over 500 apps and platforms, including popular options like Salesforce, Mailchimp, and Shopify
  • Allowing for custom integrations through its API
  • Offering workflow automation and scheduling capabilities
  • Built-in error handling and data transformation tools


  • Easy-to-use interface with drag-and-drop functionality
  • Offers a wide range of integration options
  • Excellent customer support with fast response times


  • Limited customization options for certain integrations
  • May not be suitable for complex data integration projects
  • Some users report occasional syncing errors and delays

Pricing: The professional plan costs $25,000/year

Download link:https://www.integrate.io/free-trial/

2. Adverity

Adverity is an integrated data platform that specializes in marketing analytics. Its main focus is data harmonization, which is achieved via different methods. As well as aggregating data, it visualizes them by using dashboards, reports, charts, and graphs from various marketing channels.

Marketers employ this tool to gain a holistic view of their marketing performance. Adverity can help them measure their return on investment (ROI), optimize their marketing mix, and identify new opportunities.


  • Supporting data integration with over 400 data sources, including social media platforms, advertising networks, and CRM systems
  • Providing data visualization and reporting capabilities, including customizable dashboards and real-time data monitoring
  • Offering an ML-powered insights tool


  • Strong focus on digital marketing and advertising use cases
  • Highly scalable and flexible architecture
  • Offers a variety of visualization options from standard charts to interactive dashboards


  • Steep learning curve due to complexity
  • Some limitations in terms of compatibility with non-digital marketing data sources
  • Experiences occasional delays, and file extraction processes can be time-consuming

Pricing: The professional plan starts from $2,000/month

Download link:https://www.adverity.com/standard-plan-register

3. Dextrus

Dextrus is designed specifically for high-performance computing environments. In fact, it handles large volumes of data in real-time so that users are able to analyze data as it is generated.

It is a versatile choice for modern data architectures since its modular design enables easy integration of new technologies and libraries. Advanced monitoring and logging capabilities that it brings to the table help administrators troubleshoot issues quickly and effectively. 


  • Utilizing Apache Spark as its primary engine for executing data engineering tasks
  • Users can automate data validation and enrichment processes to save time and 
  • Employing advanced algorithms to detect anomalies and irregularities within datasets


  • Simplified deployment and operation of distributed data pipelines
  • Offers clear data visualization and reporting tools for easy sharing of insights
  • Provides powerful anomaly detection mechanisms


  • May require significant expertise to set up and configure correctly
  • It is not a standalone data analysis tool and users may need to integrate it with other analytics
  • Limited community support compared to other open-source frameworks

Pricing: Subscription-based pricing

Download link: https://www.getrightdata.com/Dextrus-product

4. Dataddo

Dataddo is a cloud-based data integration platform that offers the process of extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) and data transformation features. This helps users to clean and manage data from various sources.

Through this platform, users can easily connect to multiple databases, APIs, and files, and get a unified view of all data assets within a single organization. Even those without extensive coding knowledge can take advantage of Dataddo due to its ability to handle complex transformations using SQL-like syntax.


  • Supporting numerous connectors to popular databases, APIs, and cloud storage services
  • Processed data can be easily exported to various destinations, including data warehouses, cloud storage, or analytics platforms
  • Automated scheduling options for recurring ETL processes


  • Ability to handle complex transformations using SQL-like syntax
  • Supports multiple databases, APIs, and file systems
  • Creation of custom data pipelines is possible


  • Limited scalability compared to larger enterprise tools
  • Does not offer certain advanced features commonly found in competing products

Pricing: The Data Anywhere™ plan starts from $99/month

Download link:https://www.dataddo.com/signup

5. Apache Hadoop

Apache Hadoop has redefined how we process and analyze massive datasets, and it is one of the most widely used big data processing tools today. At its core, Hadoop consists of two main components: HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), which provides high-performance distributed storage, and MapReduce for parallel processing of large datasets.

Hadoop’s unique architecture allows it to scale horizontally, meaning additional servers can be added to increase capacity and performance. Its open-source nature has led to a thriving ecosystem of complementary tools and technologies, including Spark, Pig, and Hive, among others. 


  • HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) provides highly available and fault-tolerant storage for big data workloads
  • MapReduce enables parallel processing of large datasets across commodity hardware
  • Requiring authentication, authorization, and encryption, to protect data at rest and in transit 


  • Manages massive amounts of data and scales horizontally as needed
  • Being cost-effective due to its open-source nature
  • Compatible with various programming languages and integrates well with other big data tools


  • Setting up and configuring a Hadoop cluster can be complex
  • While it is excellent for batch processing, it may not be the best choice for low-latency, real-time processing needs

Pricing: Free to use under Apache License 2.0

Download link:https://hadoop.apache.org/releases.html

6. CDH (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop)

CDH (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop) is a commercially supported version of Apache Hadoop developed and maintained by Cloudera Inc. As a result, it includes all the necessary components of Hadoop, such as HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), MapReduce, YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), HBase, etc.

CDH’s special strength lies in its user-friendly management interface, Cloudera Manager, which is easy to use and accessible for both professionals and non-technical users. Moreover, the fact that CDH comes pre-configured and optimized makes it easier for organizations to deploy and manage Hadoop clusters.


  • It includes core Hadoop components like HDFS and MapReduce, as well as a wide array of tools like Hive, Impala, and Spark
  • Incorporating machine learning libraries like MLlib and TensorFlow
  • Tools like Hive and Impala provide SQL-like querying capabilities


  • One-stop solution for big data processing and analytics because of its extensive ecosystem
  • Comes pre-configured and optimized, ready to run out-of-the-box


  • Although CDH is built upon open-source technology, purchasing a license from Cloudera incurs additional expenses compared to self-installations
  • Dependence on Cloudera for updates, patches, and technical support could limit future choices and flexibility

Pricing: The Data Warehouse costs $0.07/CCU, hourly rate

Download link:https://www.cloudera.com/products.html

7. Cassandra

Facebook developed Cassandra and it was released under the Apache License in 2008. It is an open-source distributed database management system created to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers in a way that provides high availability with no single point of failure.

Unlike traditional relational databases which store data in tables using rows and columns, Cassandra stores data in a decentralized manner across multiple nodes. Each node acts as a peer, responsible for maintaining a portion of the total dataset, and the system automatically balances the load based on changes in data volume. 


  • Cassandra’s decentralized design allows data to be distributed across multiple nodes and data centers
  • Users can configure data consistency levels to balance performance and data integrity
  • Cassandra Query Language (CQL) offers a SQL-like interface for interacting with the database


  • Ensures continuous operation even if one or more nodes go down, with no single point of failure
  • Supports different data models, including tabular, document, key-value, and graph structures
  • Built-in high availability through data replication across multiple nodes


  • Its decentralized nature requires advanced knowledge to set up, configure, and administer
  • Lack of ACID transactions

Pricing: Freely available for download and use

Download link:https://cassandra.apache.org/_/download.html


KNIME, short for Konstanz Information Miner, is a powerful open-source big data platform that provides a user-friendly interface for creating complex workflows involving data manipulation, and visualization.

It is well suited for data science projects as it offers a range of tools for data preparation, cleaning, transformation, and exploration. KNIME’s ability to work with various file formats and databases, along with its compatibility with programming languages such as Python and R, make it highly versatile.


  • Its visual interface allows users to build data analysis workflows by connecting nodes
  • Graphically designs and executes customizable workflows for data processing and analysis
  • Generating comprehensive reports showcasing workflow details, execution history, and output results


  • Offers an intuitive drag-and-drop environment for building complex workflows
  • Supports a wide range of data sources and formats
  • Provides a comprehensive library of extensions and integrations


  • Requires significant time and effort to master all aspects of the software due to its extensive feature set
  • May experience slow performance when working with large datasets or complex workflows

Pricing: Freely available for download and use

Download link:https://www.knime.com/downloads

9. Datawrapper

Datawrapper, a versatile online data visualization tool, stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness in transforming raw data into compelling and informative visualizations. It is with journalists and storytellers’ specific needs in mind.

The platform simplifies the process of creating interactive charts, maps, and other graphics by providing a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of customizable templates. Users can import their data from various sources, such as Excel spreadsheets or CSV files, and create engaging visualizations, without the need for coding or design skills. Its collaboration feature is very helpful because it enables multiple team members to contribute to the same project simultaneously.


  • Creating dynamic, interactive charts that update automatically upon changes in underlying data
  • Building custom maps using geospatial data and markers to highlight key locations
  • Users can embed Datawrapper visualizations into websites, blogs, and reports for wider distribution
  • Optimized visualizations for display across different devices and screen sizes


  • Allows even non-technical users to create stunning visualizations through its user-friendly interface
  • Enables teams to collaborate effectively on projects via real-time editing and commenting features
  • Provides a variety of pre-designed templates that can be tailored to fit specific needs and styles


  • Only exports visualizations in SVG format, limiting compatibility with certain platforms
  • Its free plan has limitations on the number of charts and maps, and may include Datawrapper branding

Pricing: The custom plan starts from $599/month

Download link:https://www.datawrapper.de/

10. MongoDB

MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system known for its flexible schema design and scalability. It was developed by 10gen (now MongoDB Inc.) in 2007 and has since become one of the leading NoSQL databases used in enterprise environments. It stores data in JSON-like documents rather than rigid tables for faster query performance.

It also utilizes a master-slave replication configuration to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. Sharding, another core feature of MongoDB, distributes data across multiple physical nodes based on a hash function applied to the data itself which allows for linear scaleout of read and write operations beyond the capacity of a single server.


  • Storing data in flexible, hierarchical documents composed of key-value pairs, suitable for representing complex, interrelated data structures
  • Master-slave replication topology to maintain data consistency and enable read/write splitting
  • Supporting multiple index types, including compound indexes, partial matches, and text searches
  • Geospatial indexing and queries for location-based applications


  • Its schema-less design allows for flexible and dynamic data modeling
  • Provides redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure continuous operation even during hardware failure or maintenance windows
  • Enables fast and precise searching of indexed content stored within documents


  • Since MongoDB doesn’t have a fixed schema, joins between collections must be performed client-side, which may impact query performance
  • Because of its unique approach to data modeling and querying, it may take time for developers to fully grasp

Pricing: Free to use, modify, and distribute under an Apache 2.0 license

Download link:https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community

11. Lumify

Lumify is a suite of software solutions designed by Attivio that helps organizations manage and analyze data. This innovative tool is particularly valuable for organizations dealing with large volumes of data, such as law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and businesses.

It can also provide a dynamic and interactive visual representation of the insights gained from ingesting vast and complex datasets. Another notable aspect of Lumify is its flexibility and customizability. Users can tailor the platform to meet their specific needs by creating custom connectors, building custom dashboards, and configuring alerts and notifications. 


  • Identifying patterns, trends, and anomalies within data
  • Creation of personalized views and reports based on individual preferences and requirements
  • Configurable to send updates when certain conditions are met
  • Protection of sensitive data while maintaining accessibility for authorized personnel


  • Strong integration with other popular technologies, such as Microsoft Office and Tableau
  • Provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities
  • Allows organizations to customize and extend its functionality to meet specific needs


  • Some users may find the interface too basic or limited in terms of customization options
  • Limited availability of training materials and documentation

Pricing: Freely available for download and use

Download link:https://github.com/lumifyio/lumify

12. HPCC

HPCC stands for High-Performance Computing Cluster, and it refers to a type of computing architecture designed for processing large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

HPCC’s Thor and Roxie data processing engines work together to provide a high-performance and fault-tolerant environment for processing and querying massive datasets. Thor is made for data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) tasks, while Roxie excels in delivering real-time, ad-hoc queries and reporting.


  • Automated management of workflows 
  • Real-time visibility into system status, load balancing, and performance metrics
  • Support for popular languages and frameworks, simplifying the development of parallel algorithms


  • Easily increases the number of nodes in the cluster to meet growing demands for computation and storage
  • Being cost-effective, sharing resources among multiple nodes reduces the need for purchasing additional hardware.
  • If one node fails, others can continue working without interruption


  • Setting up and configuring HPCC Systems clusters can be complex, and expert knowledge may be required for optimal performance
  • Communicating between nodes adds overhead, potentially slowing down computations

Pricing: Freely available for download and use

Download link: https://hpccsystems.com/download/

13. Storm

Storm, an open-source data processing framework, enables developers to process and analyze vast amounts of streaming data in real-time by providing a simple and flexible API. It has the capacity to handle millions of messages per second while maintaining low latency.

Storm achieves this by dividing incoming streams of data into smaller batches called spouts, which can then be processed concurrently across a cluster of machines. Once processed, the results can be sent to various outputs such as databases, message queues, or visualization systems. 


  • Spout/bolt interface, a simple and intuitive API for creating custom data sources (spouts) and transformations (bolts)
  • Groups related events together based on a shared identifier for better organization and analysis
  • Offering Trident, an abstraction layer that simplifies stateful stream processing for more complex use cases


  • Processes millions of events per second with minimal latency
  • Allows for customizable topologies and integration with external systems
  • Built-in fault tolerance mechanisms ensure continuous operation


  • Understanding how to build complex topologies and manage dependencies takes practice
  • Lack of built-in stateful operations
  • Certain types of applications might not benefit from Storm’s micro-batch processing model

Pricing: Freely available for download and use without any licensing fees

Download link:https://storm.apache.org/downloads.html

14. Apache SAMOA

Apache SAMOA (Scalable Advanced Massive Online Analysis), an open-source platform for distributed online machine learning on very large datasets, offers several pre-built algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and anomaly detection tasks. Its ability to handle high volumes of data in real-time makes it suitable for applications like recommendation engines, fraud detection, and network intrusion detection.

SAMOA employs a distributed streaming approach, where new data points arrive continuously, and models adapt accordingly so that predictions remain relevant and up-to-date without requiring periodic retraining.


  • Interoperability, it can be used with other big data processing frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Flink for seamless integration into existing data pipelines.
  • Including a library of machine learning algorithms for classification, clustering, regression, and anomaly detection.


  • Adapts to new data points as they arrive, keeping predictions current and relevant
  • Preserves previously learned knowledge, reducing computational overhead 
  • Offers a range of pre-implemented machine-learning techniques for common tasks


  • Limited flexibility, some users may prefer more control over algorithm configurations and parameters
  • Running SAMOA on large datasets can require substantial hardware resources

Pricing: Freely available for download and use

Download link:https://incubator.apache.org/projects/samoa.html

15. Talend

Talend is an open-source software company that provides tools for data integration, data quality, master data management, and big data solutions.

Their flagship product, Talend Data Fabric, includes components for data ingestion, transformation, and output, along with connectors to various databases, cloud services, and other systems. Talend distinguishes itself from other big data tools by offering a unified platform for integrating disparate data sources into a centralized hub.


  • Built-in support for popular big data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, and NoSQL databases
  • Creating, scheduling, and monitoring data integration jobs within a single environment


  • Integrates all aspects of data integration, including data ingestion, transformation, and output
  • Advanced data quality and governance features help maintain data accuracy and compliance with regulatory standards
  • Scales to meet the demands of growing data volumes and complex integration scenarios


  • Large data volumes can cause performance issues if proper infrastructure isn’t in place
  • Limited native cloud support

Pricing: Visit https://www.talend.com/pricing/ to get a free quote

Download link:https://www.talend.com/products/data-fabric/

16. RapidMiner

RapidMiner is a data science platform famous for its ability to simplify complex data analysis and machine learning tasks. Like Talend, RapidMiner provides a unified platform for data preparation, analysis, modeling, and visualization.

However, unlike Talend, which focuses more on data integration, RapidMiner emphasizes predictive analytics and machine learning. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process of creating complex workflows. RapidMiner offers over 600 pre-built operators and functions to allow users to quickly build models and make predictions without writing any code. These features have made RapidMiner one of the leading open-source alternatives to expensive proprietary software like SAS and IBM SPSS.


  • Providing a wide array of algorithms for building predictive models, along with evaluation metrics for assessing their accuracy
  • Enabling effective communication of results through interactive charts, plots, and dashboards
  • Encouraging collaboration between team members through commenting, annotation, and discussion threads.


  • Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies complex data science and machine learning tasks
  • Allows extension through its API and plugin architecture


  • May lack the depth of integration offered by other big data tools like Talend or Informatica PowerCenter
  • Some processes in RapidMiner can be resource-intensive, potentially slowing down execution times when dealing with very large datasets

Pricing: Visit https://rapidminer.com/pricing/ to get a quote

Download link:https://my.rapidminer.com/nexus/account/index.html#downloads

17. Qubole

Qubole is one of the best cloud-native data platforms at simplifying the management, processing, and analysis of big data in cloud environments.

With auto-scaling capabilities, the platform ensures optimal performance at all times, regardless of workload fluctuations. Its support for multiple databases, including Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, and Azure Synapse Analytics makes it a popular choice among various organizations.


  • Adapting to changing workloads, maintaining optimal performance without manual intervention
  • Minimal downtime risk via distributed database architecture
  • Self-service tools, enabling end-users to perform ad hoc analyses, create reports, and explore data independently


  • Leverages the benefits of cloud computing, offering automatic scaling, high availability, and low maintenance costs
  • Adherence to regulatory standards (HIPAA, PCI DSS) and implementation of encryption, access control, and auditing measures guarantees data protection


  • Dependency on the Qubole platform could lead to challenges in migrating to another system if needed

Pricing: The Enterprise Edition plan is $0.168 per QCU per hr

Download link:https://www.qubole.com/platform

18. Tableau

Tableau is an acclaimed data visualization and business intelligence platform, distinguished by its ability to turn raw data into meaningful insights through interactive and visually appealing dashboards.

Anyone can quickly connect to their data, create interactive dashboards, and share insights across their organization with its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. Tableau also has a vast community of passionate users who contribute to its growth by sharing tips, tricks, and ideas, and making it easier for everyone to get the most out of the software.


  • Combining data from multiple tables into a single view for deeper analysis
  • Performing calculations on data to derive new metrics and KPIs
  • Providing mobile apps for iOS and Android devices for remote access to dashboards and reports


  • Easy exploration and analysis of data using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface
  • Creates engaging and dynamic visual representations of data
  • Collaboration among team members through shared projects, workbooks, and dashboards is possible


  • Some limitations exist when it comes to modifying the appearance and behavior of certain elements within the software

Pricing: The Tableau Creator plan is $75 user/month

Download link:https://www.tableau.com/support/releases

19. Xplenty

Xplenty as a fully managed ETL service built specifically for handling Big Data processing tasks, simplifies the process of integrating, transforming, and loading data between various data stores.

It supports popular data sources like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and relational databases, along with target destinations such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake. It is a desirable option for organizations with strict regulatory requirements because it provides data quality and compliance capabilities.


  • Pre-built connectors for common data sources and targets
  • Automated error handling and retries
  • Versioning and history tracking for pipeline iterations


  • Its no-code/low-code interface allows those with minimal technical expertise to create and execute complex data pipelines
  • Facilitates easy identification and resolution of pipeline errors


  • May not offer the same level of flexibility as open-source alternatives
  • While user-friendly, mastering advanced ETL workflows may require some training for beginners

Pricing: Free trial, quotation-based

Download link:https://www.integrate.io/demo/

20. Apache Spark

Apache Spark is one of the most widely used open-source lightning-fast big data processing frameworks. Its core functionality revolves around enabling fast iterative MapReduce computations across clusters.

Some of the key features of Spark include its ability to cache intermediate results, reduce shuffling overheads, and improve overall efficiency. Another significant attribute of Spark is its compatibility with diverse data sources, including Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and cloud storage systems like AWS S3 and Azure Blob Store.


  • Offering APIs in popular programming languages
  • Integrates with other big data technologies like Hadoop, Hive, and Kafka
  • Including libraries like Spark SQL for querying structured data and MLlib for machine learning


  • Thanks to its in-memory computing, it outperforms traditional disk-based systems
  • Provides user-friendly APIs in languages like Scala, Python, and Java


  • In-memory processing can be resource-intensive, and organizations may need to invest in robust hardware infrastructure for optimal performance
  • Configuring Spark clusters and maintaining them over time can be challenging without proper experience

Pricing: Free to download and use

Download link:https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html

21. Apache Storm

Apache Storm, a real-time stream processing framework written predominantly in Java, is a crucial tool for applications requiring low-latency processing, such as fraud detection and monitoring social media trends. It has a noticeable flexibility and lets developers create custom bolts and spouts to process specific types of data in order to easily integrate with existing systems.


  • Trident API provides an abstraction layer for writing pluggable functions that perform operations on tuples (streaming data)
  • Bolts and spouts; customizable components that define how Storm interacts with external systems or generates new data streams


  • Allows developers to create custom bolts and spouts to meet their specific needs
  • Thanks to its built-in mechanisms, it continues operating even during node failures or network partitions


  • If not properly configured, it could generate excessive network traffic due to frequent heartbeats and messages

Pricing: Free to download and use

Download link:https://storm.apache.org/downloads.html

22. SAS

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is one of the leading software providers for business analytics and intelligence solutions with over four decades of experience in data management and analytics.

Its extensive range of capabilities has made it a one-stop solution for organizations seeking to get the most out of their data. SAS’s analytics features are highly regarded in fields like healthcare, finance, and government, where data accuracy, and advanced analytics are critical.


  • Making visually appealing reports and interactive charts to present findings and monitor performance indicators
  • Various supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, like decision trees, random forests, and neural networks, for predictive modeling


  • Offers comprehensive statistical models and machine learning algorithms
  • Many Fortune 500 companies rely on SAS for their data analytics, indicating the platform’s credibility and effectiveness


  • Being a closed-source solution, SAS lacks the flexibility offered by open-source alternatives, potentially limiting innovation and collaboration opportunities

Pricing: Free trial, quotation-based

Download link:https://www.sas.com/en_us/software/all-products.html

23. Datapine

Datapine is an all-in-one business intelligence (BI) and data visualization platform that helps organizations uncover insights from their data quickly and easily. The tool enables users to connect to different data sources, including databases, APIs, and spreadsheets, and create custom dashboards, reports, and KPIs.

Datapine stands out from competitors with its unique ability to automate report generation and distribution via email or API integration. This feature saves time and reduces manual errors while keeping stakeholders informed with up-to-date insights. 


  • Automated report generation and distribution via email or API integration
  • Drag-and-drop interface for creating custom dashboards, reports, and KPIs
  • Advanced filtering options for refining data sets and focusing on the specific metrics


  • Facilitates cross-functional collaboration among technical and non-technical users
  • Simplifies data analysis and reporting processes through a user-friendly interface


  • Some limitations in terms of customizability and flexibility compared to more advanced BI tools
  • Potential costs associated with scaling usage beyond basic plans

Pricing: The Professional plan is $449/month

Download link:https://www.datapine.com/registration/bi/

24. Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offered by Google, is an extensive collection of cloud computing services that enable developers to construct a variety of software applications, ranging from straightforward websites to intricate global dispersed applications.

The platform boasts remarkable dependability, evidenced by its adoption by renowned companies like Airbus, Coca-Cola, HTC, and Spotify, among others.


  • Offering multiple serverless computing options, including Cloud Functions and App Engine
  • Supporting containerization technologies such as Kubernetes, Docker, and Google Container Registry
  • Object storage service with high durability and low-latency access for data storage needs


  • Integrates well with other popular Google services, including Analytics, Drive, and Docs
  • Provides robust tools like BigQuery and TensorFlow for advanced data analytics and machine learning
  • As part of Alphabet Inc., Google has invested heavily in security infrastructure and protocols to protect customer data


  • Limited hybrid deployment options
  • Limited presence in some regions
  • Has a wide range of services and tools available, which can be intimidating for new users who need to learn how to navigate the platform

Pricing: Usage-based, Long-term Storage Pricing charges $0.01 per GB per month

Download link:https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install

25. Sisense

Sisense, a powerful business intelligence and data analytics platform, transforms complex data into actionable insights with an emphasis on simplicity and efficiency. Sisense is able to handle large datasets, even those containing billions of rows of data, thanks to its proprietary technology called “In-Chip” processing. This technology accelerates data processing by leveraging the power of modern CPUs and minimizes the need for complex data modeling.


  • Using machine learning algorithms to automatically detect relationships between columns, suggest data transformations, and create a logical data model
  • Supporting complex calculations, filtering, grouping, and sorting
  • Facilitates secure collaboration and sharing of data and insights among multiple groups or users through its multi-tenant architecture


  • Its unique In-Chip technology accelerates data processing
  • Users can access dashboards and reports on mobile devices
  • Offers interactive and customizable dashboards featuring charts, tables, maps, and other visualizations.


  • Does not offer native predictive modeling or statistical functions, requiring additional tools or expertise for these tasks
  • Can be challenging to set up and maintain for less technical users or small teams

Pricing: Get a quote at https://www.sisense.com/get/pricing/

Download link:https://www.sisense.com/platform/

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor forbes.com/sites/gilpress/. Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress
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