Big Data Quotes of the Week

“Even as big data are helping banks, they are also throwing up new competitors from outside the industry”–“Big data: Crunching the numbers,” The Economist 

“…during the RDBMS adoption it took a lot of years before the custom era was over and thoroughly replaced by the era of package implementation. The question I’m pondering is whether customer expectations and the pace of technology will make it happen faster this time? Or is the disruptive value of big data going to continue to accrue only to risk-taking early adopters for the foreseeable future?”–Jim Stogdill, O’Reilly Media

“The use of data-mining technology has already led to some measurable improvements in patient care. New York-Presbyterian, which started using Microsoft technology to scan patient records in 2010, has reduced the rate of potentially fatal blood clots by about a third”–Jordan Robertson, Bloomberg BusinessWeek

“Traditional solutions to hard crashes, malfunctioning hardware systems, software defects, and other such threats to data integrity are no longer sufficient. The growing demand for storage capacity in the IT infrastructure poses new technical challenges. To effectively and efficiently fulfill this demand academic and industrial researchers must find innovative solutions that can scale petabytes and beyond.”–Sundara Nagarajan, “Data Integrity and Availability: The Challenge of Scale for Modern Storage Systems”

“In this early stage of innovating with Big Data in cities, the challenge is not how to do something with nothing but how to do anything with a lot”–Ben Hecht, CEO, Living Cities

“In an age of big data, the growing importance of data journalism lies in the ability of its practitioners to provide context, clarity and, perhaps most important, find truth in the expanding amount of digital content in the world”–Alex Howard, O’Reilly Media

“…if you young graduates want to build a future in the Big Data Era, I have one word for you (OK, two):  ‘Machine Learning’”–Jeffrey Bussgang, Venture Capitalist, Flybridge Capital

About GilPress

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Also a Senior Contributor Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress
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